Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

    Yue Che is a veteran Nascent Soul. Although Yun Lihan's attack caught him off guard, he soon accepted Yun Lihan's move.

    Yue Che's eyes were full of red, "Yu Zhi, are you going to deceive your master and destroy your ancestors?"

    In Xuancang Continent, sometimes, the friendship between master and apprentice is stronger than blood.

    But bullying the teacher and destroying the ancestors, betraying the teacher's sect, is shameless by everyone in the Xuancang Continent.

    Yun Lihan backhanded and stabbed several holes in Yue Che's body, with an indifferent expression, and he didn't care what Yue Che said, "I'm not Yue Yuzhi."

    Yue Che felt a pain in his heart. He still recognized it, the person in front of him had the exact same appearance as Yue Yuyi.

    However, the feeling he gave him was the indifference that didn't seem to put everything in the world into his eyes, and the exercises he used in the fight that he had never seen before.

    All revealed a fact - this person is not Yue Yuzhi at all.

    Yue Che stabbed Yun Lihan's sword abruptly, allowing the sword energy to destroy his meridians wantonly in his body/inside, and the pain in Yue Che's eyes almost overflowed.

    "Can you tell me where Yuzhi went?"

    Yun Lihan stopped, blinking his eyes, ignoring the prayer in Yue Che's eyes, and mercilessly exposed the truth, "The soul is gone."

    Yue Che's voice trembled, "Then... who are you?"

    Yun Lihan thought for a while and replied, "My name is Yun Lihan, and I'm not from this world."

    "Then..." Yue Che wanted to ask What, but was rudely interrupted by Yun Lihan, "This seat has no obligation to answer your doubts."

    The word "this seat" surprised Yue Che. The last time I saw this title, it seemed that In the Xuanming Sect's library, it was the self-proclaimed name used in the manuscripts left by a great master of the transcendence period ten thousand years ago.

    It was only then that Yue Che discovered something was wrong. Obviously, this body, the Nascent Soul was broken, the sword bone was stripped away, and the meridians of the whole body were interrupted. Logically speaking, even if it is immortal, it should be a thorough and complete death. waste.

    But the young man standing in front of him at the moment, in addition to looking so weak, the momentum of his body, I am afraid that even the Supreme Elder of the sky can not match it.

    Immediately, Yue Che raised his head abruptly, "You just... are you letting me?"

    Otherwise, he couldn't think of a second reason why he was able to take Yun Lihan's sword move.

    Yun Lihan smiled softly, "It's not too stupid."

    Yue Che's legs softened and he almost fell to his knees, his voice trembled, "Then why are you here?"

    Yun Li coldly glanced at him, "Begging "

    This...this..." Yue Che knelt down completely, in front of such a powerful man, he didn't have the slightest resistance.

    Recalling what Yun Lihan said just now, he could not wait to slap himself to death not long ago. In this way, he might be able to save the lives of a few people.

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