Chapter 119

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Chapter 119

    The deep and long alley seems to be an abyss that cuts off all light. It has a bloody mouth and swallows the future of countless children.

    The man walked in front of him, and even had a smile on his face. He just said a few words at random today, and brought back the two children without any effort, which gave him a particularly sense of accomplishment.

    Yun Lihan led Zhao Xiaohua and followed suit.

    At the end of the alley is a dilapidated urban village. When you look around, the houses are all crumbling. I don’t know how much rainwater has washed away. There are mottled water marks all over the place. Garbage can be seen everywhere on the ground, and the long alleys cover it. In the sunlight, in the dim sight, there are people who come and go.

    The man walked in front of him unhurriedly. Yellow-brown puddles with a foul smell appeared from time to time on the ground. The man was three or two steps tall and his legs were long, and he didn't care about the two children who were following him. Will you step on these dirt.

    The clothes Yun Lihan and Zhao Xiaohua were wearing were found in the village. Although this town is not rich in Jiangcheng, clothes with rough materials and no style are not common in this town.

    For a man, a child who can be coaxed away with a candy must have an unsatisfactory life before, especially wearing such cheap clothes, since he has already agreed to go with him, he will not worry about them will run away.

    So, the man stopped in front of him and said without looking back, "You two, hurry up, or you'll be late, and the candy will be distributed by other children."

    Yun Lihan lowered his head. His eyebrows and eyes were obscure, and he answered the man lightly, "Come on." The

    scattered houses were scattered all over the place. The man led the two of them around for a long time before they stopped in front of a small shanty. .

    The man stepped forward, took out the key, and opened a large copper lock the size of two of his fists. The dilapidated door made a "squeak--" sound under his movements.

    The man turned his head and smiled at the two of them, "Come in."

    The environment here is even worse than what Yun Lihan saw when he just walked through the alley. This is a small room of less than 20 square meters. It is built with plastic boards and iron sheets. It got dark, and there was no light in the whole room except the door that came in.

    The layout of the room is very simple, except for an old sofa and a few wooden stools, there is no other furniture.

    The man greeted Yun Lihan and the two to sit down, and divided the candy in his hand among them, "Eat it, eat it, don't you think uncle didn't lie to you?"

    For these two obedient children , men are not stingy to give them a good face.

    Yun Lihan reached out and took the candy, kicked it into his pocket, and said very politely, "Thank you, uncle." The

    man laughed, "This is the first time a child has said thank you to me, it's really a It 's a novel thing."

    Yun Lihan asked after he finished laughing, "Didn't my uncle say you have a daughter, where is she?"

    "My daughter..." The man extended his voice thoughtfully. "You'll see soon."

    He took out the bulky set of keys from his pocket again, and opened the small door hidden behind a rough-painted scroll, "No, my daughter is inside, you guys You can go in and play with her."

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