Chapter 123

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Chapter 123

    Fragmented sunlight penetrates the overlapping clouds, spilling from the sky to the world.

    Under the banyan tree beside the entrance of Jiangcheng Middle School, a young man in white clothes and black trousers stood, the black Maybach quietly parked behind him, the snow-white shirt reflected his clean and refreshing face.

    The young man is tall and slender, with a cold face, which is the favorite appearance of countless young girls nowadays.

    The young man raised his head slightly, and the fine strands of hair slid to the sides, revealing his smooth forehead. Under the long eyelashes were a pair of eyes that were as deep as a thousand-year-old lake.

    Not far behind the youth, a middle-aged woman in plain clothes was looking around. Her hands were constantly rubbing and intertwining, and her turbid eyes were full of desire.

    Suddenly, two clear female voices resembling silver bells rang out, "Brother!"

    Immediately after, two beautiful young girls in school uniforms ran towards the young man.

    They are graceful and agile. The wide school uniforms have not blocked their beautiful faces. The smiles on their cheeks are exuding from the inside out, which is the appearance of youthful vitality.

    Meng Fei's head full of Wusi was tied behind her head by a rubber band. She flicked her ponytail while walking. She was gentle and playful. She practiced dancing all the year round, which made her waist and long legs. The goddess in the hearts of young people.

    Yun An'an has short hair and ears. At this moment, she has long since escaped from the thinness of the year. Because of her childhood experience, Yun An'an, who was insecure, was thrown by Yun Lihan to practice martial arts. At this moment, she is only sixteen years old, but she is a general Taekwondo's trophies in each competition have been won over and over again.

    Yun An'an and Meng Fei hugged Yun Lihan's arm and acted coquettishly.

    Yun An'an has always been his brother's caring little padded jacket. Although he was very happy that Yun Lihan was able to pick him up from school, the words of concern about his brother also blurted out at the same time, "Brother, why do you have this today? Are you free to pick us up from school?"

    "Isn't the lab busy now?"

    Yun Lihan did not study step by step like Yun Anan did. He entered the youth class of Jiangcheng University at the age of 12. Now, at the age of 17, he is already studying for a Ph.D., conquering national information security.

    Different from Yun An'an's whispered inquiry, Meng Fei opened her mouth to joke, "I haven't seen you busy person for a long time. Could it be that the sun is coming out from the west today?"

    Yun An'an glared at Meng Fei, "You don't If you know how to speak, don’t say it.”

    Meng Fei turned around and stuck out her tongue at Yun An’an, “A little bit, if you have the ability, hit me with the taekwondo you learned.”

    Maybe it’s because Yun Li was the one who was in the dark for six years. Han pulled her out of the swamp, no matter how powerful Yun Anan appeared to the outside world, she was always like a child in front of Yun Lihan.

    On the other hand, Meng Fei, who is gentle and graceful to the outside world, shows her naughty side in front of Yun Lihan all the time.

    For so many years, Yun Lihan has become accustomed to the completely different personalities of the two younger sisters. The young man seems to be a bystander outside the drama. Let the two girls play noisy and playful, he is always cold-faced and not in a hurry.

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