Chapter 147

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Chapter 147

    In an instant, the tears in Gongsun Wan's eyes stopped, her hands were tightly clasped together, her fingernails were even pinched into her flesh, her eyes stared at Yun Lihan for a moment, "Pray for the New Year. can can you..."

    She didn't understand, she really didn't understand, why someone she put on the top of her heart for so many years could watch her marry someone else without changing her face.

    Could it be that this person really has no heart? !

    Gongsun Wan couldn't go on, the blood on her face disappeared in an instant, and she was as pale as a piece of tissue paper. Her figure staggered and swayed for a while, until Ye Jinnian, who was standing beside her, reached out and supported her. When her waist fell, Gongsun Wan fell down without losing her temper.

    "Brother! Why are you here?!" Ye Jinnian shouted almost gritted his teeth, just like Gongsun Wan has been chasing behind Ye Qinian, Ye Jinnian has also been following Gongsun Wan's ass since he was a child Later, he fell in love with this passionate girl, and liked her daring and brave nature to admit her inner thoughts.

    Even more, many years ago, on that cold, wet and snowy night, he handed his hand stove to his girl.

    That was when he was not recognized by Ye Qian as the son of the Ye family. Because of his special status, he should actually be one year older than the child that Forsythia pretended to be born. Therefore, before the age of five, he only Can hide and can't see anyone in the Ye family.

    Because Forsythia is just a cleaning maid, Ye Jinnian lived a very hard life when he was a child. He didn't even have a charcoal fire in winter, and he didn't even own a cotton-padded coat that could keep him warm.

    Ye Jinyan still remembered that it was a New Year's Eve night. The entire Ye Mansion was decorated with lanterns to celebrate the arrival of the New Year. In the small house where he and Forsythia lived, there was only a half-thrown candle.

    The smell of the New Year's Eve dinner was so tempting, he sneaked out while the forsythia was resting, but he only dared to hide in the corner and secretly looked at the boy named Ye Qinian, who was like a star holding the moon. sitting at the main table.

    At that moment, countless unwillingness, jealousy, and even resentment emerged in Ye Jinnian's heart.

    Why? !

    Why is Ye Qian's son, Ye Qinian can be favored, but he has to hide and can only do that shameful deed? !

    He hates it!

    I can't wait to drag everyone in the Ye Mansion to be buried with him!

    His fingers dug into the courtyard wall with such force that all the fingernails on his five fingers were broken, and the warm blood splashed on the unevenness of the courtyard wall.

    Just when Ye Jinnian was about to be driven mad by jealousy and unwillingness, a little girl in a red jacket and a double bun stood behind him.

    It was the first time Ye Jinnian had faced anyone other than Forsythia. He originally thought that the Ye family would find out, but he never thought that the girl just bent the corner of her lips at him. With a clear and pleasant voice, he gently asked him if it was too cold.

    Maybe it was because the girl's voice was too seductive, Ye Jinnian nodded like a ghost.

    So, without even thinking about it, the girl handed him the stove she was holding in her hands.

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