Chapter 1

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Annika POV

My plane just landed at the airport in tokyo, and I was waiting outside for a cab that my parents were sending to pick me up. When the cab got here I loaded my luggage into the trunk and got in and it drove me to my parents house. As the cab was driving, I saw the Hugh school that I would be attending in a couple of weeks. It is the summer and I was planing on going to see my modeling partner for while I was in Japan.

The one thing that I dreaded about coming home was the fact that I had to see my step brother shogo hiazaki. He was the main reason I left for America because he would make moves on me and kept saying that it was fine because we weren't actually siblings. I left for my career as well as my own safety cause he threatened me if I told anyone, so I took up a modeling gig in LA.

After I got there, I got my suitcase and went inside to see my mom and step dad. My mom saw my face and ran to hug me and my step dad heard the commotion and came running in too. He hugged me along with my mom and they both started crying. It had been a year since I had see them face to face. Sure we FaceTime but it wasn't the same. When I finished unpacking I went to the kitchen. "Mom, I'm going to the studio to meet my partner," I told her. "Ok honey, see tonight, shogo I coming up and were going to dinner to celebrate you coming home," she replied. "Ok, so ill wear my summer outfit," I said and went to change.

Time skip--------------------------------------------------------------

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Time skip--------------------------------------------------------------

Annika POV

I arrived at the studio and walking in. "Nishimura, nice to see you," my manager said to me. "Nice to see you too, where's my new partner?" I asked. "He should be here any second," she replied and I nodded. "Annika?" I heard from behind me. I turned around to see ryota kise and my eyes widened. "K-kise," I said and ran up and hugged him. "What are you doing here?" He asked "well I'm here to meet my new partner that I'll be modeling with for the summer," I replied. "What?!?! So am i!!!" He said. Then I thought about it, maybe my new partner is kise. "Oh, hey I see you already met, kise this is your new partner," I heard a voice behind me. "Hey, this is my manager and he is the one that told me that I was getting a partner," Kise told me. "Nice to meet you annika, I am very happy to be working with the Annika Nishimura," he said with a smile. "Nice to meet you too," I said back. After I met back up with my manager And introduced him to her, we went to his dressing room to catch up. "So how have you been?" Kise asked me. "Well I'm now a international famous super model, I'm known be a lot of people around the world. Even when I landed and exited the plan, I was dawned over," I replied. "Wow, I saw you all over the place with different adds anyouagazines but never thought you were and international sensation," he said. "What have you been up too?" I asked. "Well I was drafted into the kaijo high school basketball team, am still doing modeling and we won the nationals again in the third year of middle school while you were gone. How was america?" He replied/asked. "Well I was stationed in LA and did a lot of modeling for magazines, ads, and did some interviews with a bunch of famous tv show hosts, like ellen, and jimmy fallon," I said back. " you were busy all year," he said. "Yeah, anyway. How is everyone else?" I asked him. "Well they have changed," he said looking in my eyes. "What do you mean?" I asked. Then he went on to tell me what happened with aomine, akashi, murisakibara, and the nationals. "Dang, never thought the friendship would weaken," I said with a sad look. "what high school are you going too?" He asked changing the subject. "Well I'm going to a new school called serin high," I replied. " oh, I thought you would try to go to the same school as akashi," he said with a surprised look. "Well I haven't talked to akashi since I left," I said with a guilty smile. "Oh, well that's great you already have a school," he said. "Yeah I heard that their basketball team isn't half bad and they made it to the championship league with only first years on the team," I said. "Wow, they seem strong," he said. "I plan on becoming the manager for the team, and help them become better," I said with a smile.

Time Skip--------------------a few weeks later-------------------

Kuroko POV

It was the first day of school and I was walking around the floods of people looking for a club to join. "Why don't you join the literature club?" A random guy said to another student. As I was walking I looked at the map for the basketball club table and I heard people talking about a model that is coming to our school. "Did you hear? The super model Annika Nishimura is coming serin high school," I heard a group of boys talking and my eyes widened. "Annika?!?" I whisper in disbelief. "Basketball, basketball club, who wants to play some basketball?" I heard a voice beside me. Then I saw the basketball club table and went and signed up. When I was leaving, I ran into someone, "oh, I'm so sorry, wait kuroko?" I heard a familiar voice. When I looked up I saw Annika, and my eyes widened. "A-annika!? Its nice to see you, I didn't know you were going to serin,nor did I expect it. I thought you would go to a big name school like the others," she said back. "Well, I decided to go to a School that is close to my house and serin was the best option," I said back to her. "Lets catch up later, I have to do somethings right now, ill see you after school?" She asked. "Yeah, that would be great," I said back.

Annika POV

I walked past kuroko and went to the basketball club table to sign up as the manager. "Hi, I'm here to sign up for the manager position," I said in a sweet but mature voice. "Y-your Annika Nishimura!!!" She guy said in a shocked way. "Yep, that's me, nice to meet you-" I continuted. "Hygua," he started.still in shock, " and this is riko," he continued. "Well its nice to meet you both," I said back with a smile. After the introduction, I signed up for a manager position and walked away with a thank you and see you at practice.

Riko POV

"I can't believe that the Annika Nishimura wants to be the manager of our basketball club," I said to hyuga. "I'm more shocked that she goes to this school," he said. "Why is that shocking?" I asked him but his reply was infuriated by a voice. "Wahh, Riko, we have a new recruit, please help me," koganyia said whispering the last part. "So, this the basketball club?" A deep voice asked. I look up from koga and see a male with first red hair and a stern face, "uhh, yeah, wow you have a bug build, we could use you on the team," I said. "Yeah, yeah whatever, now let me sign up," he said. When he was finished filling out the request form, he got up and left. "Ok, tiaga kagami, from america, played while he was there," Hygua read from the form. "Wow, whoever be is he's going go be amazing, you could just feel the wild energy he was giving off," I said looking intrigued. "uh, Hygua, you missed this club request," Koga said and handed it to me. " lets see, tetsuya kuroko," then my breath got caught in my throat as I gasped. "He's from teiko basketball club!!!" "What really?!? The teiko?!?" Hygua said shocked. He took the form and read over it. "Oh I forgot to look over Nishimura's form," I said. Then my breather got caught again. "This says that she was a former manager to the teiko basketball club," I said just in more shock. "What, so the rumor could be true," Hygua said. "What rumor hygua," izuki said as he and the others walked over. "Well rumor has it that Annika Nishimura and the captain of the generation of miracles were very close and they applied to teiko together," he said with his eyes closed. "Oh, then why didn't she go to his school?" I wondered out loud. "Wait, so your telling me that the Annika Nishimura, the super model, is going to serin high school and applied for the manager spot for our team!!!" izuki and koga said at the same time. "Yep, she came by a few minutes to fill out the form before you all got over here," I said back. "THIS YEAR IS GOING TO BE SO GREAT!!!!" the two said jumping around like kids in a candy store. "Lets just hope her fame doesn't interfere with our practices or games," I said.

That Girl (Ryota Kise x oc x Seijuor Akashi)Where stories live. Discover now