Chapter 12

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Annika POV

I was walking to the court from my house, I had a last minute thing and had to be there. I looked at my phone and saw I missed a call from Riko. I dialed her back, and put the phone to my ear. It rang for a minute, "Hello, Annika?" She questioned into the phone. "Hey, Riko. Sorry I was doing something important. I'll be at the court in about 10 min, right at game time," I told her. "It's fine, but where were you? I was getting worried after your phone went to voicemail," she said sounding hysterical. "I'm fine Riko, I was with an old friend and lost track of time, sorry I didn't pick up," I told her and she sighed through the phone. "Alright, just get here as soon as you can," she said, sounding relieved. "Alright, see you in 10," I told her. "Alright, bye," she said and hung up.

I continued walking and i got lost in thought. 'Why does he have to be back now? Why can he go back to his school? What did I do to him to deserve this?' I questioned in my head as I walked. I felt a tear run down my cheek and I wiped it away then I held my arms to my chest.

Ryota POV

I was walking with Kasamatsu to the Serin game to see what would happened. I was listening to the horoscope for today. "What are you staring at? Pictures of your girlfriend?" Kasamatsu asked. "I'm just checking today's horoscope. Midorima-chiperforms well when his reading is good too," I replied. "Oh yeah, the Teiko guy, what's his sign?" He asked. "Cancer, Kuroko-chi is an Aquarius, and Anni-chi is an Aries," I said. "I don't need to know about him or you little girlfriend," Kasamatsu replied. "No complaints for cancer, your in first place! Last place is Aquarius, you should stay home today. Middle of the bunch is Aries, they should be alright for today," the thing said. I groaned at the unfortunate news, "something wrong?" Kasamatsu asked. "It's awful," I said.

I continued walking when I saw a familiar head of brown hair. "Isn't that Nishimura?" Kasamatsu said. "Yeah, what's she doing out here?" I questioned. I walked over, pulling out my headphones, Kasamatsu in tow. "Anni-chi?" I said, placing my hand on her shoulder. She turned around and I saw her face, she had tear streaks running down her face and she looked really upset. "Ryota? Kasamatsu? What are you two doing here?" She said in a horse voice, like she had been crying for a while. "We're here to see the Seiho-Serin game. Though you would be there already," Kasamatsu replied. "Oh, I guess I just lost track of time," she said, strained. "What's the matter? You have tear streaks on your face," I pointed out in a serious tone. "Oh, nothing, I'm just emotional about stuff right now," she said, forcing a smile. "Alright, but you should head on in, the game should be starting soon," Kasamatsu said, she walked inside. "You by that Kise?" He asked. "Nope, she's holding something in, but I'm not going to pry. That will only make things worse," I replied. "Alright, now let's head in," he said

Kasaga (Seiho) POV

"So what's your thoughts on the Serin team, Kasaga?" Nijimura asked. "I think the upper class-men have gotten better, but we should keep an eye on that Kagami guy," I replied. "It wouldn't be a bad idea to throw our own first year, Sugawa, at him. The way you are now, you should be up to the task," Nijimura said. "Oh yes, things finally got fun," he replied with a smile. "Now there's that Sugawa smile," I replied. "No one plays defense as happily as you, make you special in that sense," Nijimura stated. "Wait, don't they have that model as their manager?" One of the other guys asked. "Oh yeah, from what I heard it's Annika Nishimura, the super model that went big in America then came back to Japan for high school," another said. "Oh yeah, she's so hot," one of the first years said. "What do you think Cap?" I coach. "I think we could have a problem if she's on the bench," he replied. "What do you mean? I mean she's only a manager, what's the big deal?" Sugawa questioned. "She more than a manager, she's a planner," coach said back.

Annika POV

I walked in to the facility and to the Serin Locker room. I heard no talk as I walked closer, 'they must be nervous,' I thought. I opened the door and walked in. Everyone looked over, "Annika, good to see you," Izumi said to me. "Good to be here," I said back. "Now what's with the tension? Relax, I'm here to help," I started, "you really need to relax in my opinion," I finished. Riki clapped and everyone looked up. "I'm here too, I just thought of the perfect way to cheer you all up," Riko began. She posed cutely and giggled. "If you handsome fellas win, I'll plant one on ya," she blew a kiss, "like that," she finished giggled. All the boys look weirded out, "what the hell was that sound?" Izumi said. "That eye thing was super weird," Koga said, looking creeped out.  Riko looked depressed and Hyuga stood up for her and told them to pretend, making Riko even more upset. I laughed and they looked at me. "You guys are so tense, but at least you're more relaxed now. Why don't you get it together and make them pay back for last year?" I said abd walked out.

I went to the bench to set it up, since I wasn't here to do it earlier. I set out towels and bottle behind the bench where I would sit. After that I took out the play book I wrote up, along with some of the specialities of the players. The Seiho team walked out first, and the play-maker. Kasaga, looked over at me. I walked over to see what the matter was, "What do you want?" I asked. "Oh nothing, just wanted to see if the rumor of Annika Nishimura being the manager at Serin was true. And it seems like it is," Kasaga replied. "Wow, you just found out about this. Many have known for a while," I said and turned to walk away. "Wait a minute," I heard from behind me and turned back around. It was the first year defender, Sugawa, "what's your specialty for your team?" He asked. "That's for you to find out Sugawa," I said with a smirk. "How'd you know my name?" He asked freaked out. "Just like how I found out most of the major players,  like Kasaga, and Nijimura," I said pointing to the specific players. They were shocked, I just smirked and walked back, and said sweetly, "good luck!"

That Girl (Ryota Kise x oc x Seijuor Akashi)Where stories live. Discover now