Chapter 4

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Annika POV

It was the next day and I was taking the bus to serin. I had my ear buds in and was listening to some American hip hop from the 2000's. When the bus stopped at serin, I got off and walked to my class. When I walked in, I went to talk to kuroko and I told him about what happened yesterday. "You had a night shoot with Kise?" He asked. "Yeah, we had to pose for a couple vacay magazine," I replied. "That sound like fun," he said. Just then, the teacher came in and we had to sit.

Time skip ——————————————

Annika POV
It was the end of the day, and me, Kagami, and kuroko were heading to practice. When we got there, Riki called me over. "Hey have you had a chance to complete the training regiment?" She asked. "Yeah, there in my backpack, I have conditioning as a team and separate skill training regiments for the second part of practice" I told her. "Great, they do need to work on different skills," she said with a relieved face. As the boys practiced, I got a text from my manager saying that she wanted to see me after school, but the tone she used in the text made it sound like she was mad. I shrugged it off for later, and went back to the skill training for the boys. "Alright gather round," Riko said and the boys came over to her and I. "Don't forget about our game agianst kaijo tomorrow," make sure you get plenty of rest and not over work yourself in the next 24 hours, now go get changed," she explained. "Hey riko, I have to go, my manager wanted to see me," I told her and she nodded.
When I got to the studio, I went to my manager's office and she look upset about something. 'Please don't be about the article' I thought to myself. "Alright of have some questions about this article about you and those boys form the miracle gen," she said. "First is, who is this Akashi guy?" She asked. "He was my unofficial boyfriend in middle school but we ended things when I moved to America," I replied. "Ok, what is this about you and Kise?" She asked once again. "Well, picture out of context leaked by staff, on one outside of this studio has access to those photos," I started, "that picture was taken at a shoot me and Kise did a while ago when we first became partners," I stated. She sighed and looked more relieved, "ok, that's a good thing, the media is trying to make sound like there is more between Kise and you," she said. "I kinda figured that, plus I like someone else and I think he feels the same," I said thinking about a certain someone.

The Next day————————————

Annika POV
Today we had the game against kaijo and the boys were in awe over the athletic facility in the school. "Wow, now this is what it looks like when a school prioritizes athletics," Huga said. "I know this means that they will formidable opponents," Riko said looking excited. Just then Kise ran over yelling at us, "hey guys, it's a big campus, so im here to escort you," he said. "Yeah thanks Kise," I said as I was in the front of the group with Riko. Kise wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked and everyone was shocked. I knew that he was just being friendly but it was also funny to see all their reactions. "When did y'all get together?" I heard Hugha ask. "Oh no, we're not together, just really close friends," Kise replied. "Oh, that makes sense," Izuki said. "Now let's get to the gym," I said with a smile.
When we got to the gym, we were shocked to see the court split on half by a net and the players not in their uniform were running down and back on the court. "What is this?" Riko asked. "Oh your here, I'm coach Takeuchi," a big guy with a scruffy beard said. "Nice to meet you in coach Riko Aida," Riko said with a smile. "Wait your the coach!?! I thought you were just the manager," he said in shock. "That would be me, I'm Annika Nishimura," I said. Just then silence went over the room, and I felt about 30 pairs of eyes on me. "What?" I asked super confused. "Your the Annika Nishimura, the super model!?!?" the basketball club asked in shock. "Yeah," I said. Then I saw a guy with black hair walk up to me and grab my hand and get down on one knee. "Annika, I would love to play and win this game for you," I said in a flirty tone. I was very uncomfortable and weirded out. "Uhh, thanks but I'm not interested," I said trying to sound nice about it. The guy then went and sulked in a corner. "Don't mind him, he's always like this. He flirts with any girl he sees," a guy with short black hair said walking up to me. "That I would believe... but I'm used to guys flirting with me, famous super model," I said pointing at myself. "Any way, kasamatsu, show them to the locker room," the coach said.

Kise POV
I was getting my uniform on when I saw Annika talking to Moriyama and he seemed to be flirting with her. When lasamatsu broke it up, coach told him to show serin to the locker room. Annika stayed back and got the bench ready for the game, like the water bottles and towels for the players. "Hey Annika, want some help?" I asked her. "Uhh, sure," she said back and I walked over to help her fold the towels. "Thanks Kise," she told me. "It's really no trouble at all, I love helping you," I said back. After we were done with the bench, I went over to see our bench and finished putting my uniform on. When I looked up I saw Anni talking to coach. "What do you mean that this is just to fine tune your roaster!?!" Annika said in a furious tone. "Exactly what I just said, this game isn't advanced enough for the guys not participating to learn anything," he said in a bored tone. "Are you kidding me!?! Haven't you ever been taught, treat every practice game as if it's a real game!!!" She said again in a furious tone. "Hey, you need to simmer down and go sit by your players like every other manager out there," the coach said in a booming tone right in her face. As I was tucking in my jersey, coach turned to me. "Kise, why are you putting your uniform on?" Coach asked me, "your not playing today, this game isn't anything too special, plus we have top players from all the middle schools, but your still on another level... if I put you in, this wouldn't even be a game anymore," he finished.

Annika POV
I heard what the kaijo coach said about Kise and it made me even more mad about this whole thing. "Just listen to that guy," I heard hyuga behind me and I looked behind me to see the team coming out. "I know, I gave him a price of my mind about this half court thing and he told me to go sit like every other manager," I told them in an annoyed tone. "Don't worry Annika, we're going to give them a greeting that they won't forget," Kagami said with a smirk. "That you will Kagami," I said.

Hey guys, hope you liked the new chapter!!! Sorry for not posting for a while, but this is probably my favorite part of season 1 as well as the shutoko game!!! Hope you enjoyed

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