Chapter 5

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Annika POV
As they started to line up on the court, I heard the ref ask for us to put all 5 players on the court, "excuse me, but there are five here," Kuroko said. "What the? Was he on the court the whole time?" I heard players ask from behind me. I smirked to myself knowing that this always happened all the time in middle school. "He was right in front of me and I didn't even see him. Did you?," one of the kaijo guys said. "Yeah I didn't see him at all," I heard the captain say. Then they greeted and got in position for tip. When the ball went up kagami and their super tall guy from kaijo went up but kaijo got the ball first. "All right, one shot, get it nice and clean," the captain said. Just then kuroko came up and stole the ball from kasamatsu. Then he dribbled up the court, and the captain followed, then kuroko passed the ball the behind to Kagami. Then Kagami went for a dunked the ball. Making us score the first point.

Time skip to fourth quarter——————

It's now the beginning of the fourth quarter and we are behind by 7 points and me and Riko are preparing on what to do without kuroko in the game, in the second quarter Kise hit him in the head and he lost consciousness. He is currently laying down behind the bench asleep. "I don't know what we're going to do, without kuroko on the court we lost a lot of our offensive power, I really wish he was able to get back on the court," I said to Riko. "Understood," I heard from behind me. When I looked I saw kuroko walking over to the table to get subbed. "Whoa, wait, where do you think your going," I asked I stood infront of him. "You said you need me so I'll go play and win for the team," he said with a stern face. As kuroko went to the table to check in, Kise  started to copy Kagami again.when the whistle blew, kuroko went back on to the court and he was doing better with the guys then before, our offensive strength was back up. "This is great!" I said in excitement. "We were just getting used to this guy now it feels like he's back at full strength,"'one of the kaijo guys yelled. "That probably because he spent the past two quarters taking a nap!" The captain said. The game continued and we started to close the gap faster and the kaijo guys started to lose their steam. But then kasamatsu yelled, "Kise!!!!!" Then he threw the ball to him and Kise passed all of the players on our team and dunked the ball into the hoop. I've never seen Kise like this, and it wasn't good for our players. "Whoa, looks like Kise has found his strive," Izuki said. "Yeah, I think the last two minutes of the game are going to be just like the first quarter. Back and forth run and gun show down," hyuga yelled. "Let's go!!!" He yelled again. Both teams were going back and forth between offense and defense at a rapid pace. One team would score and the other would score right after that. The score difference never changed, it would just be tied every single point that was scored. "We'll this is getting intense," I said to Riko and she agreed. "This is bad, if we can't keep playing at kaijo's level then this game is as good as over," she said back. Then it thought of something that could work. I stood up and shouted, "Kuroko!!! Full throttle!"when he looked back he nodded and I smirked. As the hall went down the court, a pass was made and kuroko stole the ball, he dribbled down the court and made the defense follow him. As he was pulled to a stop, he took a form of shooting.

Kise POV
I was in the corner of the court waiting for the ball to make it to me so I could go score, when I heard Annika yell something, "kuroko!!! Full throttle!" After she said that kuroko stole the ball and started to move up the court. And when he got stopped by moriyama, he took a shooting form. 'These is no way that he takes the shot, I mean he never shoots the ball,' I thought but he ended up shooting the ball. 'He shot!?!?' And I saw the ball is too far from the hoop. "That's not just a shot, it an alley oop," kasamatsu said in shock. Just then I saw Kagami jump and grab the ball dunking it into the basket. The whistle blew and the buzzer went off. Everyone stood in shock and looked at the score board. "Yeah!!!!!" Serin yelling in excitement. "We lost?" I said and I felt tears coming down my face, I tried to dry it up but nothing worked. "Is he crying?" A player from above asked. "I mean it's got to be eating him up," another side. "Hey, quit your ballin. You've got some nerve acting like you've never gotten you ass beat before... ill show you," kasamatsu yelled and I looked at home shocked. "Now open a dictionary and look up the word revenge," he continued. Then I felt someone hug me from behind, and I turned to see Annika. "Hey good job Kise!!! You played so well, you have really improved," she said in delight. "Thanks Anni-chi. You all played well too," I replied. "We'll I have to go, I'll see you around," she said back and walked away. "You too seem close," Kasamatsu said. "You could say that I'm the person she goes too in emergencies," I said trying not reveal her secret about shogo. "Well it's good that you have a girl that isn't extremely obsessed with you," He said back. "Yeah, but you think I have a lot of fans, you haven't seen anything yet, just wait until the concert during the inter high," I said. "What do you mean?" Moriyama asked. "You know how she is a model right? Well she also sings too and she always did a concert during the junior high nationals in between half's of the final games of block A, which was always our finals game," I explained. I smiled at the memories of her past concerts that everyone attended for her when she was first starting out as a model/singer. "We'll that's something we'll have to look out for when we watch our competitors play.

Annika POV
we were walking down the street and everyone was saying we should get something to eat before heading home. "Where do you want to go?" Hugya asked. "Some where cheep please, I'm broke!!!" Koga said. "Same here," like half of the team replied. "Hold on, how much money does everyone have to spare?" Riko asked the team. When everyone came out with their change we had very little to spare. "Hey why don't we go out, my treat," I suggested. "No we can't ask you to do that Annika," Izuki said with concern in his face. "I have a job that pays good, I can pay for all your meals," I said, everyone reluctantly agreed.

Time skip ————————————

Still Annika
I was walking out of the restaurant with kuroko when we saw Kise standing outside. "Hey, got a second to chat," he asked and we nodded. We went to a near by park and we saw kids playing street ball. "It's been a while since we just talked, you know, kuroko you get that injury checked?" Kise asked. "Yeah it's nothing serious," he replied. "Well that's good," Kise said and turned to me. "Annika could you give us a moment?" Kise asked. "Yeah sure," I replied and walk toward the other side of the street ball court. When I got there I saw a group of men walking toward me and I started to walk into the court. "Hey, babe, what the rush you don't need to run, we won't hurt you," one of the guys said. "Well you calling me babe tells me otherwise," I said back. "Oh feisty, I like feisty," the same guy said. "Hey man you should just leave we were already playing here," one of the kids playing said. "Oh who you talking to? You should just pac your thing and leave," another of the punks said to the poor kids. "Oh man," the kids said scared. "Hey, leave the kids alone, there is no point in messing with them," I said and I glanced over to the fence and saw Kise and Kagami talking to kuroko. "Hey where's Annika?" I heard faintly from Kise. "Hey babe, what you gonna do," the biggest of the bunch said. "Wait ain't that Annika Nishimura? The super model?" One of the under lings said and the leader I presumed step closer to me and examined my face. "Hey it is," the guy said. 'Oh boy, this isn't going to be interesting,' I thought as I stepped back ward again.

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