Chapter 2

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Annika POV

The day was quite hectic with my fans getting all worked up by just seeing me. Right now I was walking out of the school to get to the gym, as usual people were swarming me, so it made it harder for me to walk. When I finally got to the gym I walked in, "Hey Riko, I'm here," I yelled out. "Oh, Annika good you made it," she said back. "Wait, is that-?!?!" I heard a voice. "Hi, I'm Annika Nishimura and I'm here to be your manager for the coming years," I said toward the first years. "Now that the introductions are in order, take off your shirts," Riko said. "Huh?!?!?!" All the first year questioned in shock. "Why is she making them take their shirts off?" I asked. "The coaches dad is an athletic trainer that help train you body to do whatever you need it to do. She would help she dad during his training sessions and she gained a skill where she will see you body stats by just looking at it, she doesn't just see your body she sees your potential in where you can grow. I'd expect nothing less of a coach of this team," Hygua explained. I look over at coach to see her staring at a guy with red hair and red eyes, "Coach what exactly are you staring at?" Hygua questioned. "Oh, right sorry," she paused, "is there anyone names Kuroko?" She asked. "That's it Kagami  was the last one," Hygua said. Kagami? Where have I heard that name before? "Excuse me, but I'm Kuroko," he said raising his hand at Riko. "What?!? How Kong have you.been there?!?" Hygua said I shock. "Well, I've been here the whole time," Kuroko said with a blank expression. "Anyway, take off your shirt," Riko said and kuroko looked shocked. "O-okay," he said as he took off his shirt. But when riko looked at him, she looked shocked, I mean his stats were always really low even after all the training he did at teiko.

When I was the manager of the troop basketball club along with momoi, I had a similar skill to the coach here. I could see all the stats as.well as the potential but I could also see what they could do as a specialty skill. I could put number on a basketball court and do the best strategy based on the other team and their stats. Yeah Momoi had the analysis  skill but I could take that information and come up with a plan right then and there on how to take them on. I can see what techniques they uses and well as their skills.

When the 'tryout' was done, everyone cleaned up and headed out. I met up with kuroko and we went to maji burger to get milkshakes. When I walked in the worker there were in shock, but they tried to act as normal as possible. "Is that Annika Nishimura?!" I heard from behind me. "Yeah, I own everyone of her collectable cards that they sell, even the new.ones that were down with that model Ryota Kise," they continued. I forgot that they take my shoots and turn them into collector cards. After me a kuroko got our milkshakes, we decided to go to a park to drink them. When we got there I was spotted and people would take pictures of me and with me. I would talk to kids and take pictures with them. After a while we found an empty area in the park and sat down. "wow, when you said that you were famous, you weren't kidding," kuroko said. "Yeah, after a few ads, I was asked to do magazines, fashion shows and model with actors all over LA," I said back. "I've made a brand and I have different partnerships with different world wide companies, like apple, samsung, and even magazines for different countries," I continued. "That sound like a lot of work, and it paid off in the long run," he said. "Yeah, but it is hard to live a normal life like some of these smaller models," I said. "Well you make it work, and you seem happy doing it, and you change people and make them hapoy," kuroko said with a blank face. "Yeah, I do." Just then my phone started to ring and I looked at it, "its Akashi," I said a little surprised. "Answer it." I did answer it, "Hey, Sei," I saidseriny didn't you tell me that you were back in Japan?" He said in a different tone then I remember him speaking in, then I remember what Kise said that happened to him. "I've been busy with work and school stuff, I just never found the right time sei," I said back. "Well, ok then, I'm glad your back, and I guess ill see you at the inter high?" He asked. "Yeah I go to serin and we are participa-" then he cut me off. "That's not what I ment," I want to see again, to pick up where we left off, to start what we never finished," I listened in shock. "I-I, sure I would like that, but lets start slow," I said back to him.

The next week at practice-----------------------------------------

Kuroko POV

I was in the locker room getting changed for practice and Hyuga got a notification on his phone, "wow look at this," he said. It was a post on a new page that had a picture of Kise with Annika and Akashi with Annika. The head line said, 'famous model spotted with her current partner, A fellow model Ryota Kise of the Generation of Miracles' under the picture with Kise, it looked like a modeling shoot photo taken out of perspective. Under the picture of her and Akashi, it was a picture of them in middle school with her kissing his cheek, said, 'what happened to the power couple of Seijiro Akashi, Captain of the Generation of Miracles, and Annika Nishimura.' "Holy crap!! Annika was with the captain of the GOM?!?" Izuki said. "Yeah they were together, but no label was put on it, Annika didn't want the relationship to go to fast," I said back. "Really?!?" Koga said. Then the coach walked in, "what with all the yelling?" She asked. "We just found this on a news feed," hyuga said. The coaches eyes gasped and she looked at me with a asking look, and I just nodded. "Anyway, lets get down to business, we have a practice game against kaijo high school," she said. "Wow, that's awesome," hyuga said. "Yep, as opponents they won't disappoint now lets get this practice started!!!" Coach said. A little bit later Annika came in with a bag. "Hey guy, I bought sport drinks for all of you," she said handing everyone a sport drink. "Thanks Annika," everyone said. "Hey Annika, we have a practice game against kaijo high school," Izuki said to her. "Wow that great, you know that Kise of the GoM goes there," she said. "What?!?!" The guys shouted. "Hey, about Kise, can you explain this news ad?" Coach asked. She glanced at it and chocked on her drink in shock, "what?!?! No,no,no,no, this is bad," she said with a shocked but scared face. "What's bad about it?" I asked. "My modeling contract only allows me to date one guy thatvis well known but now there are rumor about there being more than one well known. One is a basketball star and the other is also one but also a model, because there are two, I could get in trouble with my manager and the companies I work for," She explained. "Oh, that is bad,"

The next day----------------------------------------------------------

Annika POV

I was walking back from the vending machine, when I saw a swarm of girls following a guy in a school uniform. When I walked closer, the grips started to scream when they saw me, I heard of of them say, "aww the new model couple is in the flesh, I can't wait for y'all to make it official!!!" And another girl said, "no girl she is going to end up with her middle school sweet heart, Akashi!!!" And they started to argue with eachother. "Anni-chii!!" I heard Kise say. And he hugged me and hugged back. "Awwww" all the girls around us said. We managed to walk in front of them to get to the gym and asked the girls to wait 15 minutes. "Dang, those girl are persistent," i said. "Yeah, I guess your noe used to girls huh?" He asked. "Yeah, mostly guys for me," I said laughing. "What's Ryota Kise doing here?" I heard riko. "Hey, Kise" I heard kuroko say. "Its great to see you," He replied. "Hey guys, I'm back," I said. "well I thought I would drop by cause I heard our next opponent was Serin, and I remembered Anni-chii and Kuroko-chii went here, so here I am," kise explained. Then a ball came flying at him but he managed to block the pass, "kagami!!!" Hyuga and Riko yelled. "So.your the famous ryota kise, you look pretty strong, so why don't you come play a little 1 on 1 with my pretty boy," Kagami said to Kise. "That was one hell of a greeting, but fine lets play, but a little wager on it, if I win, AnnI-chii come to my team and transfers to my school," kise said. I was in shock, "kise, you idiot, I'm not a prize to win for a team," i.yelled at him. "But this team doesn't know how to use your skill to their advantage," he argued. "Whatever, you don't need to bring that up," I mutter under my breath. They played one round and kagami.lost but Kise didn't take it as a win, but they would carry the wager into the practice game. With that Kise left. "Annika, what skill was he talking about?" Riko asked me. "Well its a long explanation....."

That Girl (Ryota Kise x oc x Seijuor Akashi)Where stories live. Discover now