Chapter 11: Just friends

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When was it again the last time Chimon visited the resto? It seemed so long that the moment he saw the crews who immediately greeted him with big smiles on their faces, he couldn’t help feeling at home. He might not always be at the place, yet they always treated him as part of their family, welcoming him with open arms no matter how tired they were.

“Long time no see, Chimon! Where have you been?”

“You haven’t visited us for so long. We thought you'd already forgotten about us.”

“Yeah. We thought you already broke up with the big boss—”

The others quickly smack that person at the back of his head to stop talking.

His smile faltered a little, but he tried his very best to look as if it didn't bother him. These people used to tease him with Nanon from the very beginning. Back then, he thought it was because of their closeness they would always see every time he's visiting. They used to play around every time they saw each other, hence he did believe that it was normal. However, now that Nanon's real feelings for him were revealed, he had this hunch that they might have teased them because they were aware about their boss' feelings. It seemed that everyone knew except him.

Ah, he was such a dense!

Because of the commotion outside, it didn't take long before the 'big boss' Nanon appeared.

"Chim!" Nanon called, smiling so bright.

His staff faked throwing up, seeing his silly smile and hearing his overly sweet tone. Opposite of his usual demeanor to others. This love sick person was truly an eyesore for them.

They automatically dispersed when Nanon approached Chimon, continuing with whatever they were doing, except they were all ears with their conversation.

"How are you? Are you okay? You're not hurt anywhere, aren't you?" Nanon asked, trying to inspect even a little detail that might have changed with his best friend.

The staff could only scoff. You're being hopeless, sir. All of them thought.

"Hahaha! I'm okay, 'Non. All is well."

"I'm glad… but why are you here? You should have just told me the place, and I will go wherever it is. You don't have to bother yourself with coming here."

"No. It didn't bother me. And I want to visit this place."


"'Non. It's okay. You don't have to fret over this. We used to do this, visiting each other."

Nanon instantly closed his mouth. Right. It was pretty normal for them to visit each other whether it was at home or at their working place. So, nothing to fret about… it's just that, it was the first time they had met after Nanon confessed, making him restless and somehow exaggerated. He was nervous about this meeting.

Nanon scratched the back of his neck, feeling a little embarrassed. "Well—" before he could form into words his thoughts, he was cut by Ohm, who suddenly appeared at his back, and greeted Chimon.

"Hey, Chimon! You're here. Long time no see." Ohm placed his arm around Nanon's shoulders. "Haven't heard anything from you for the past weeks. You're looking great today."

The two exchanged some pleasantries all the while Ohm's arm didn't leave his shoulder as if guarding him. Nanon unconsciously released a sigh of relief, composing himself as the two talked to each other. He didn't know why, but although he was still sulking at Ohm, he was thankful for his presence at the moment. He seemed to calm the mood between them.

In the end, Nanon and Chimon had to talk alone. Ohm knew it, so he didn't bother them that long. He even let the crew go home so that no one would bother them. Afterwards, tapped his shoulder lightly, then left.

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