Chapter 1: I love you

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Nanon went back in front of his full body mirror, and checked his appearance again. 

Undeniably, he was handsome. 

He was wearing a tucked-in striped tee paired with a dark blazer jacket, cropped trousers, and white sneakers. His hair was fixed to a stylish manner that complimented his boy-next-door look. He also didn’t forget to check his breath and pearly white teeth for any stain which some people tended to neglect just because they had a perfect outer look. You know, anything can happen on a date. Not that he's expecting it, but just in case there would be a close encounter, where their breaths needed to mingle, he had to be ready. Then, for the finishing touch, he sprayed his woody scent perfume.

Rechecking his appearance, he thought that it's already perfect. For the first time in his life, he became thankful with his parents' genes that made him handsome. He didn't have to worry that he would be rejected because of his looks. He just had to look out for other aspects.

Satisfied, Nanon got his phone and car key then headed to the parking lot. He already bought a present for his date, but he thought of buying flowers. He watched from dating tips that flowers could lighten up the mood of your date. It's one of the basic necessities to first date. Having this could lead to higher success rate outcome, hence he would like to try this.

The only problem was, this wasn't the first time that they would be going out. Nanon just liked to consider it as their first date because it's the time he finally got the courage to confess his feelings to his best friend, Chimon.

Yes, he had a romantic feeling for his best friend which he's been keeping for a long time, and thought that he wouldn't get a chance to really confess because of several factors: 

First, his parents were the typical 'homophobes' who wanted to protect their impeccable image. His mom was a former public servant with a clean record in the industry, while his dad was a director of one of the prestigious catholic schools in the country. All their life, they're maintaining their image as if a simple stain would cause them death. If they would find out that their only son liked a man, they might faint in anger. They already hated his best friend because he was raised by two dads, they would surely curse him once they knew their son liked him romantically.

Second, Chimon has a boyfriend. HAD a boyfriend. They broke up when the jerk chose to study abroad over his best friend. Chimon usually had a smile on his cute face no matter how difficult the situation was. He didn't even cry when they fought. He even punched him on the face to tell how mad he was at him. But for that jerk, his eyes became a faucet that never stopped leaking. He cried days and nights until there were no tears left in him. Nowadays, Chimon would say that he no longer had feelings for the jerk. But, every time there would be something that would remind him of his 'ex', his eyes would get teary. Well, Nanon understood him as that jerk was Chimon's first love. 

And third, as mentioned, Chimon had been his best friend since high school. Nanon was afraid of losing his best friend when he confessed his feelings. Aside from being a friend, he didn't know if Chimon can accept him in a romantic way. For the past years, he's trying to hint him of his hidden feelings, but failed to get any reaction. Well, Chimon was kind of dense. If you want to be understood by him, you had to be straightforward. Perhaps, because it's the same with his personality. He's too straightforward with what he wanted. Actually, when he realized that he liked the jerk, he told it right away despite the probable rejection. He believed that it's better to be honest than hopelessly thinking of what ifs.

Meaning to say, him not confessing anything to Nanon meant that he had no romantic feelings for him. He was just his best friend. But Nanon, for the first time in his life, wanted to take the gamble. He was trying so hard to stop this emotion, but the more he concealed it, the deeper it got until he can no longer bear to see Chimon with another person. 

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