Chapter 2: That person is truly dumb

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"I still couldn't believe that Pluem is already back. I was so surprised to see him. I thought he would be in the state for good," P'New said, who brought him another bottle of liquor.

Nanon gulped the rest of the wine in his glass and then grabbed the new bottle to drink. He said to his crew to give him their strongest liquor, but until now, he hadn't felt drunk despite emptying a bottle. He could still feel his aching heart.

He looked at the wasted decoration for his so-called confession.

The twinkling lights, balloons, flower petals on the floor, scented candles, and even the well-chosen menu for the night. He also remembered P'New staying up late for a week to perfect the dishes he chose so that it would really leave a good impression to both of them. You know, good ambiance, good food was equal to perfect confession...

Nonetheless, the ambiance was ruined from the start, so the food wasn't tasted as well, that led to an unpleasant end because the person he was supposed to confess to, chose to be with the jerk.

In Nanon's expectation, him and Chimon would be walking in the restaurant together as the lights along the way lighted up. Then, he would lead him to the rooftop, where they took a month to redesign for this special occasion. They would dine together under the stars and moon while romantic music was playing in the background. Afterward, New would come with the cake Nanon painstakingly personally baked. They would sing a happy birthday song. Chimon would blow the candles after he gave his wishes. And lastly, Nanon would give his message slash confession, which he rehearsed for the whole week before the d-day...

It's just that; it's all in his imagination now.

Everything was ruined.

"Come on, Non. It's not the end yet. So what if Pluem is back? Isn't it you said Chimon doesn't love him anymore?" New tried to console him.

"It's not really like that," he sighed. "Chimon said it because he hadn't seen that bastard for a long time. But, if you saw his eyes and his reaction when the bastard appeared again, you could tell that he really hasn't moved on from him." Once again, he gulped down the wine in his glass, trying to hide the tears that threatened to escape from his eyes. "I'm so fucked up."

New gently patted the younger's back, who suddenly coughed up from drinking the beer hurriedly.

"Easy, Non...So what if he still loves the jerk? I thought you said that you'll fight for your feelings now? Or would you just let him go again because you couldn't find your courage to fight back?"

"I confessed, P. But Chimon thought I was just joking when I told him that I loved him. He thought, I was just trying to distract him so that he wouldn't fall again for the jerk again."

"If I were Chimon and you suddenly confessed your feelings in front of my 'ex' during a heated moment, of course, I would think the same! It's like you're not being serious and just wanted to get me away from the situation."

"But, I'm serious!"

"I know. But Chimon didn't. So you have to prove it and stop whining like a kid. If Chimon thinks you're just joking, I think it's the right time to show him how serious you really are with that confession. Put it into actions, not words."

Nanon paused and tried to digest everything New said.

He remembered his excitement, the nervousness, and other complicated emotions he had, knowing he could finally let go of those. And that the person who made him undergo that roller coaster ride would finally be aware of his feelings. However, just because Chimon's first love appeared suddenly, he also felt like giving up.

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