Chapter 13: Someday

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Nanon woke up with swollen eyes.

For him, it's the worst feeling of all compared to waking up with a throbbing head because of a hangover. He could barely open his eyes. His nose felt so stuffy. There was even a throbbing pain in his chest. Ah... he wanted it all to be just a dream, nevertheless the memories that kept haunting him down reminded him that everything was real.

He was rejected by his best friend.

Chimon wanted them to stay as friends, but how could he do it? He's already tired of pretending. Been doing that for a decade, and he didn't think he could do it for another decade. Now, he felt like doing what Chimon just did. Just disappeared and never came back.

"You're awake."

Nanon didn't have to glance at the direction of the voice to know who it was. No other people knew his situation aside from Ohm. The smell of toasted garlic topped on a porridge wafted through the air. He could feel his stomach growling, yet he didn't think he would like to move from his position to eat. He just had no energy for anything.

"Raise up and wash your face, then eat this porridge. It's already 11am. You're probably hungry," Ohm said, placing the bowl on the side table.

He was hungry, but he didn't want anything aside from lying still on the couch.

Ohm sat beside him.

"Hey. Don't just stare at the ceiling. Move your ass and eat before it gets old."

Nanon didn't budge.

"Are you planning to stay like that for the whole day?"

Yes, I am, he thought.

"Do you think things would change if you let yourself stay like that?"

He knew nothing would change. But, he just wanted to do nothing.

Ohm let out an exasperated sigh when he got no response from the person lying on the couch. Honestly, he wanted to pull him out and bring him outside so he could see how the world was still revolving despite their personal concerns. To show that no one would stop even if he wallowed over a spilled milk. And that the main reason for his brokenness was out there enjoying his life, while he on the other hand was wasting his time inside this four-cornered room. Really, this wasn't the end of the world just because he was rejected.

However, Ohm couldn't invalidate what Nanon was feeling at the moment. He saw him cry his eyes out last night. Pouring all the emotions that were deeply embedded since (perhaps) on the very first day he realized his feelings for his best friend. He had been hiding for years, but the moment he decided to be brave and get out, he received a contradiction to his expectations. So though the world didn't stop revolving and the people outside still minded their own business, for Nanon, his world stopped.

"If you need anything, I'll be outside. For today, I decided to take a break and not open the resto. You could rest all day here if you don't want to go home yet," Ohm said.

When the other person remained motionless, he could only sigh before he left Nanon on his own. Anyway, he couldn't force him to do anything. He's still processing everything that just happened, and perhaps, it would take several days or weeks before he could go back to his normal self.

Nevertheless, it seems that Ohm had underestimated Nanon's quick recovery as the following day, the latter went to work with a big smile on his face as if nothing had happened.

"Hello! Sorry for causing inconvenience to everyone yesterday. I was not myself. I'll try to make it up to you, guys, today," he stated.

The crew, of course, became aware of the incident since basically, everyone was updated to Nanon's journey to love. Even without saying anything, they could tell what happened just by his actions alone. He always had their one hundred percent support, and if ever Chimon and him got together, they were planning a big celebration party.

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