Chapter 12: Can't resist

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It was late at night, yet the cars and people below seemed to be still buzzing. They never got tired, perhaps because of the incoming weekends that's why they were still full of life despite the dark sky.

When was it again when Chimon stayed so late at night? Mostly, he would be on his bed, sleeping or watching some movies until his eyes closed because of tiredness. However today, he was fully awake, the cold night breeze brushing on his face.

He was alone. The city lights were blinding, but he seemed not to notice it. He was just staring at nothing, spacing out.

Did he do the right thing rejecting his best friend? Was it okay to just let him go? Was he so selfish for wanting to be still friends even though he knew his best friend's real feelings? Was he a coward for ending it this way?

Chimon thought that when he gave his answer, everything would be alright. They could return to how everything used to be with some slight changes. But he guessed, he's being too optimistic. In reality, it was really hard for both of them to ignore the previous events. He could pretend all the way he wanted. But it would never fix the relationship that was already broken.

He didn't know how long he stayed at the rooftop. It was freezing cold yet it didn't matter to him. The sun was already peeking through the clouds when he decided to go down. He had no idea where Nanon went after leaving him. He also didn't know if he left the resto open for him. He wanted to call him, but stopped himself since it seemed not to be the right time for them to talk again. He just called Ohm to tell him that he's leaving and that no one would close the door.

"It's okay. I'm just at the employees room," Ohm said.

"Oh. You didn't go home?"

"I did. I just went back."

"Then, I'll come and see you before I leave." He was about to turn his heel to the employees room, but stopped after hearing Ohm's next words.

"No need. Nanon is also here. I don't think it's a good idea for the both of you to see each other right now."


"Also, he had just fallen asleep. He's a bit tired."

Ohm no longer elaborated why he was tired. But it was too obvious that it's because of what happened between them. It's really better if they would not meet for the time being. Let him process the previous scenarios. So, Chimon just nodded although it wouldn't be seen by the person on the other side of the line.

"...okay. I'll just leave. You... take care of him."


He couldn't help letting out a big sigh. It was such a long day. He felt like lying on where he was currently standing. It was more tiring than running miles on the street.

But, it seemed that Chimon would have another long day when he recognized the person waiting outside the resto.

It was Pluem, dashing as always despite just getting off from work. He must have had his eighteen hours duty in the hospital, yet he's here. Chimon just wondered how he knew he was here.

"I'll take you home," Pluem said, opening the door on the passenger seat of his car.

"Why are you here?" Chimon asked instead of getting in the car.

"Driving you home."

"I'm fine on my own."

"With all those eyebags? You look like you're about to kiss the floor when you get out."

"Aww. Look who's talking? You're like a zombie."

Pluem's lip twitched upward, amused. Well, this was how they usually bantered. Chimon was also amused that he could talk back to his ex without feeling any awkwardness.

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