Killua pov
Gon stood up and smiled walking to the square in the middle. We all stared at him waiting to see what he would do.
"I don't really enjoy fistfights or any physical activities you see." He said innocently.
"I do." Gon replied. "But I'm not really good with my head."
"As I thought. So I had thought of a game for the both of us to play. It doesn't need mental or physical activity. " He reached behind his back as we all watch quietly.
He brings two candles. "Who's candle goes out first loses. What do you think?" He cocked his head and look at Gon.
"Yeah looks like a good idea seems fine to me." He smiles and gives him a thumbs up. I looked at his smiling face. Ohhh he does not know what he just agreed on.
I look at Tompa his face held a large evil grin as he watch the scene unfold.
"Ok... in that case..." The man grins and reveals two candles with different heights. Everyone in the looked shocked. "Choose which one you want. O for the long one. X for the short one. It will be a majority rule. ""We have to choose?" Leorio muttered. "It's a trap!" He yelled at Gon. Leorio and Kurapika talked takimg in both of the candles flaws. Tompa smirked and leaned on the wall.
"You've got a real dilemma there." He taunted Leorio.
"You shut up!" He yelled back.
"Take your time feel free to discuss. " the man sat down and relaxed.
"Hey, which one should I take?" Gon asked us.
"Shit..." Leorio said the rest of us stayed quiet. I stared at Gon deciding to stay neutral.
Suddenly Kurapika says.
"Gon you decide." He yelled.
"Are you sure about this? He never thinks anything through. " I replied.
"Instead of wasting time we should let Gon decide on his instincts." Kurapika stared intently on Gon.
"Instincts huh..." I went off.
"Okay then I choose the long one!" Gon grins.
We all just looked at him wide eyed. He's being too naive with this. We all stared at him and simply grinned back.
He received the long candle and so began the match. They both lit the candles and walked to the middle. And waited in slience. I dreaded that time but as a strong gust of wind hit us they almost lost their flames. The man smirked as him and Gon exchanged word his flame burned larger.
Leorio and Kurapika complained.
I looked at the candle which was now only a few inches. Then he set down his candle and ran to the other man and blew out his candle. The man's face was filled with shock. "I win!"That's Gon for you. I smiled. As he walked back we all cheered him. Now only Leorio and Kurapika need to finish.
Meghan pov
I yawned loudly and Hisoka look up from the card tower he was building.
"Bored?" He asked.
"Ovbiously. " He smirked. "Mannnn I wish Gon and Killua and Leorio and Kurapika would finish already." I complained and looked at the clock it read 00:10:34
I nearly jumped up. "Only 10 minutes left? Oh no will they make it?" I looked concerned.
"Don't worry Meghan they'll finish my prey is with them." He smirked and had one of those moments.
"Well don't you dare lay a hand on Gon you pervert!" I poked his shoulder. He grinned and grabbed both of my hands holding above me.
"Then will you take his place?" He asked very close to my face.
I tried my best not to blush or lose control but I just lost it. I kicked both his legs and made him fall on his butt knocking down his card castle in the process.
"Hah! Have fun rebuilding that!" I stuck my tongue at him. I walked off angrily and felt his eyes on me.
Moving to a different place I glanced around for Gon and the group but they were no where to be found. I was afraid that they wouldn't make it. 3 minutes left. I thought but my thoughts would just come back to Hisoka earlier. My cheeks felt red as I remebered what happened.
I slapped my cheeks. Stop thinking about him Meghan. But then my thoughts would trail off to him.
I looked at the clock worried.
Then at the last seconds all five of them erupt from the doors. We all looked shocked but I stood up and ran to them.
"Guys!" I ran to them. They turned around covered in dirt.
"Meghan!" Gon greets me.
"Finally! I'd never thought you'd guys would make it." I smiled as I pulled them (except for Tompa) into a big hug.
Whooo finally finished that!!!
I'm so sorry that it took so long. I just had a writers block with this story and then theres my other books which I'm also writing but yayay!Thank you for patiently waiting for this to come out hopefully(maybe) another one by the beginning of August!
But thank you!

Through Worlds°||°hunter x hunter fanfic°||°
RandomMeghan is a simple 17 year old high school girl that was planning for college. She had the perfect life until a car drove infront of her. Meghan awakened in a whole new different world. On her journey she meets new people amd perhaps fall in love.♡