Recap- Suddenly the huge doors opened and behind it...
Revealed two people one was a lady with blue hair wearing a crop top and you could see her bra! Plus in my opinion really short shorts. The man behind her was huge but had a pleasant smile on his face. The lady was sitting on a couch while the man was sitting behind her.
"Welcome I am Menchi, the second phase examiner." The woman spoke up.
"And I'm Buhara, the other examiner." Everyone was tense but a loud growl surprised everyone.
What was that sound? Murmurs quietly traveled throughout the crowd.
"You must be hungry." Menchi looked up to Buhara.
"I'm starving.." he whined.
"There you have it. Phase two will involve..." she paused for a second. "Cooking!"
They crowd began to protest.
Wait! Cooking? We're here to take the hunter exam!
"That's right you must make something to satisfy us because..." ahe paused yet again. "We are Gourmet Hunters."
The man that yelled at them eariler began to laugh. How rude Gourmet Hunters are pretty good ypu know. I glared at his sudden outburst. Everyone began to laugh with him.
Menchi narrowed her eyes and let out a sigh.
"So then gourmet hunters what are we supposed to make?" The man taunted her.
She smirked. "Buhara." He stood up.
"The required ingredient is pork.
As in pig meat?
"You are free to use any meat from Biska forest pigs. You must use the cooking facilities in this place." I glanced around the place it was pretty sweet. "And you will only pass if both of us find it delicious."
I zoned out but snapped out of it when I heard a loud sound and everyone ran off to find the ingredients.
From my travels with Chrollo only one type of pig liveds here they are called The Great Stamp they are the most ferocious pigs on the planet don't ask me who picked the name for them I found it weird when Chrollo told me too. I sigh I wonder if he is mad at me for not listening to him I clenched my fist he doesn't control me!
I put away my thoughts as I approached one and with both of my hands I hit it's forehead amd instantly got knocked out. I spotted Gon amd the others in front of a pig. They better be careful.
I began the long walk back to the place. As I arrived I noticed that no one was around.
"Ehhh? You're the first?" Menchi raised her eye brows.
"Hmmmm. I guess so. Be prepared to get your minds blown away." I grinned at them as I rolled up my selves.
"Good luck with that." Menchi said giving me sass.
"I'm so hungry." Buhara whined.
Suddenly there was a large stampede of people holding the pigs. Guess they figured out the pig's weakness.
To start I took out all of its insides and chopped the rest up into good sized chunks. As I was working I overheard Menchi rejecting every single dish presented to them but Buhara said yes it was funny.
I looked through the pots and found a large frying pan. I oiled it added red peppers and green onions then the pig. The aroma spread throughout the place it smelled good. I added spices to increase the flavor and began to stir the food with a large ladle. (Like Chinese food you know?)
Right after Kurapika presented his and got rejected I walked up.
"Here you go enjoy!" Menchi looked pleased.
"Alright this better be good!" She took a piece with her fork. Buhara he just went in it gross he face was covered in I don't even know.
"You pass." Buhara said with his mouth full.
"This is sooooo good! You pass the second phase!" She said happily.
"Yay!" I smiled. And immediately went down.
"Alright only one person passed and that is #46! The rest of you are out!" Menchi yelled. They began to protest.
"I refuse to accept this! I absolutely refuse to accecpt this!" The man broke a table.
I think his name was Hanzo said something and she grabbed his scarf and started yelling at him.
I glanced at Hisoka and he looked like he could koll someone. He raised a card but got interrupted by a voice from above.

Through Worlds°||°hunter x hunter fanfic°||°
RandomMeghan is a simple 17 year old high school girl that was planning for college. She had the perfect life until a car drove infront of her. Meghan awakened in a whole new different world. On her journey she meets new people amd perhaps fall in love.♡