Chapter 11- The Cooking Challenge Part 3

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As we all got off the ship I walked up to Menchi. While everyone looked at the crack in astonishment.

"Menchi when we start doing this can I join the challenge too?" She looked me at and smiled.

"Of course! But!" She held up her finger you have to demonstrate with me." I nodded.

"I'll look forward to that!" I beamed.

"Now look everyone!" She yelled as the fog began to clear up. Voices curious to know what it is. "That's Spider Eagle's web." A loud gust of wind came up and knocked that rude guy over. "Look down below the web." I glanced over amd my eyes widened.

There were eggs suspended on a web in the middle of the ravine. I started into space again until Menchi called my name.

And I jumped down with her. Everyone waited for us as we were hanging on a web.

"I'll tell you when to let go okay?" I nodded. "One....Two....Three!" And we both let go of the web and grabbed an egg soon to be pushed up by a gust of wind. "And that's how you get the egg." As soon as she said that alot of them started to jump down not listening to what she was going to say. But Gon and the others stayed up I also noticed that Hisoka stayed up too.

"Can you die from a fall like that Menchi?" We both walked over to the boiling pot and dropped in our eggs.

"Hmmmm." She put a finger on her lip. "Well it depends if you can catch your step." I nodded and grinned. Idiots.

"But that also means that there's not always a gust of wind. Am I right?" She smiled at me. And patted by back.

"Well at least you understand.  Gezz clueless people these days." She rubbed her head and we laughed.

We waited until everyone was done though some of them. I took a bite of the egg and it was delicious. Wow who knew that an egg could taste this good. I also noticed Gon's kind gesture to the rude guy.


We got on to the airship this time to go to Phase Three.

"Hey Gon." I walked up to Gon and Killua.

"Meghan!!" He greeted me.

"Yo." Killua said acting cool.

"What you did back there was really shocking." He tilted.

"It was?" he was confused. I laughed.

"Well you to don't into trouble and be good little boys. " I teased them and Killua's face turned red.

"I'm n-not a little boy!" Killua blushed and turned away.

"Well see you later." I waved.

"Bye!" Gon yelled and Killua was still stubborn and did not turn around. He still cute I thought though I was now like what 17 years old?

I walked around the ship looking for something to do until I stumbled on this....

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