Chapter 58

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It was a well known fact that women were weak, fragile creatures. However, they were also emotionally and mentally weak. That was why there was never a female Time Keeper, and rarely they were nothing but a link. No more than that, otherwise they would be in the very same situation you were in.

Women were not ready to relive history, if they did, they would find themselves emotionally invested and they would find ways to stop things from happening. They were weak hearted or in other words, they were too gentle.

That was why they had taken their time to make a decision. Time Keepers ' future seemed bleak, and the only sign that a few existed it was you. As far as they knew, you could be the only one that remained. And it that was right, then they really had to think things true.

But after much thought, after much investigating they came to a conclusion; they could not allow you to remain alive. You had absolutely no idea of the power you had, if you did, they could only imagine how much you would abuse it. They've heard of what you went through, and if you managed to control your abilities, with your history, you'll want to go back in time and change things.

History, the past is not meant to be messed with and that was exactly what you were doing now. Speaking with the Uchiha, sharing your past as if that wouldn't have any effects.

Frowning, the leader grasped the handle of the knife as he stared down at you. It was such a pity, really, he had been exited to know that his kind still existed. To be honest, it was upsetting what you had to go through, no child should have to face cruelties like that. But they could do nothing but watch, that was how things worked. They could not mess with the past, if they did they would mess the future.

That was why he could not allow you to be alive, not to mention that you had to return home. If you continued to remain here, your link would surely die, specially if no one was there to care for them.

Hesitating, the man thrusted the knife towards your chest but your eyes snapped opened. But you moved, even if a little and instead of meeting his target, he stabbed your shoulder. You cried out in pain, and as if by instinct, you kicked him and then you jumped away from the bed.

You grasped the knife as it protruded from your shoulder, blood starting to pool around it. It was dark, but with the light of the moon you could see his form. "Do not take it personally," the man spoke softly and you seemed to recognize him. Your body tensed more and you took a step back. " You should have come with us, by now you should have returned home. You're young and foolish, you are risking changing the future... You're risking changing it the longer you remain."

Perhaps it was the shock, but you seemed to have forgotten that you were good at hand to hand combat. You would have to trouble fighting this man of you wanted to defend yourself, but the only thought you had was to use the knife. Pulling it out of your shoulder, you then continued to point the blade towards the man.

You had to blink twice as the next moment he wasn't there, but instead he appeared behind you and he was about to attack you once more. This time you did not jump away, instead the door  flew open and he was sent flying against the wall. "Do not get involved, she violated our laws and she must pay for it. This is none of your concern." Standing up, the man spoke up.

" As a guest of the Uchiha, this is certainly of our concern." Madara walked in the room, some of his men rushed in cornering the man.

" A guest? " The Time Keeper laughed, " if I remember correctly, her sole purpose was to use her for information. "

" You entered Uchiha territory," Izuna began as he stood in front of you, despite the darkness he could see your shoulder bleeding.

" Time Keepers are not to get involved with any of you. I came peacefully to retrieve her and you refused our request. She has now broken our laws and she must face the consequences of her actions."

" Or you will...." Do what exactly, was what Madara intended to ask.

" Are you going to attack us? Will you become our enemy?" Izuna was not sure why he felt such rage to see you grasping your shoulder in pain.

The Time Keeper remained silent, and watched you from afar. They couldn't attack them, they were no warriors even if they controlled time. Even if they did attack, it would go against their own rules and laws. "This isn't over." Because they would not stop until you died. With those words he was gone.

Soon after candles were lit and their light began to illuminate the room. Madara excused his man and that left the three of you alone in the room. You let out a long sigh and walked to the bed where you slumped your shoulders.

Izuna almost reached out but stopped remembering that you wouldn't allow him to touch you. Without a word he left only to return with a woman, the brothers left for a brief moment. The Time Keeper wouldn't be stupid enough to attack again.

Once the woman was done tending to your wound, they re-entered the room. "They're not going to stop," Madara began, "and as long as you remain here you are not safe."

"But she isn't able to return home. " Izuna responded for you, defensive even.

"Not at the moment, however, they know she is with us. They're going to attack again, " Madara frowned and it was almost as if Izuna knew.

"You're going to return her to them?" He was furious, "she is safe here."

It was endearing, really, that his brother found something else to feel other than hatred. Izuna cared for you, and Madara couldn't help but feel some sort of respect for you. They knew your past, that was enough for Izuna to feel protective. "Her safety isn't our responsibility Izuna, our goal was to keep her for information."

"B-" but Izuna could not respond, if he did then he would reveal that he truly cared for you. Instead he turned to watched you, and you were watching him back. He growled as he was gone from the room.

"You can't keep doing this," the brother said, " you're afraid to return."

You flinched knowing that he was right. Slowly, with the kindness they had showed seemed to have you clinging to it. You were feeling safe, you were starting to realize that here you wouldn't have to face your present. You would no longer had to deal with the people you mentioned to them.

"Life isn't always filled with success or filled with peace and happiness. You need to realize that your life is filled with challenges, and you cannot give up the first challenge you face."

" I know, " you swallowed hard," I just... I don't.. "

That woman, more than anything else it was that woman that you were so afraid to face. If he could describe scum, it would be that woman. He wasn't surprised, people were evil. " You keep saying you played hero but have you considered all the lives you've saved? Do you really think that is what they think of you? You have to keep moving, think about all those young girls who have yet to be taken away from their lives. Remember that no one else will rescue them," somehow the six year old you came to mind. When. You first were torn from your family, your memories were blurry but you remembered crying. You remembered how terrified you were when you were taken.

You had been even more terrified to know that no one was coming to your rescue. No one came, you had to save yourself. These girls were no different than you, no one was coming to save them and unlike you, they did not have the will to fight back. "Why..." You raised your gaze and studied Madara. Madara was young, very young to be a leader and yet he was willing to carry all that responsibility. Why? For peace. But they all had different point of views of what peace was truly all about. He was handsome, and although it looked as if he did not have a heart, he did. But most of all, he too was tired from all this fighting, and yet... He still kept moving. "Why are you helping me?"

"Because we're not very different," he uncrossed his arms. "We are all fighting our our battles, we are all fighting for what he believe. We fight to make a difference." Moving to the door, he stopped for a moment, "rest for the next couple of days you will be guarded. I'll speak with Hashirama, you'll be safer with them. I'll make sure to explain everything to them."

With that, he shut the door and allowed you to take some rest. Not that you could be able to sleep, the pain and tonight's events weren't going to allow you to rest for tonight.

Madara and Izuna Uchiha. You had absolutely no idea who they were, but staying here you knew they were not evil, they were not mean.  In fact, they were growing on you, just like Hashirama and Tobimara were too.

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