🌒~Chapter 1 ~{}~ Challenge Accepted~🌘

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{🌔} (Y/N)'s POV {🌖}
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      "Ughhhhh- this backpack is way too damn heavy..." I groaned in complaint as I lifted the very packed camping bag onto my shoulders. "Your fault for packing so much shit," I heard Rex say from behind me. I turned to glare at him. "Dino boy, I kinda need all this to camp. Have you never been camping before?" I said, the annoyance clear in my tone. "Nope," he responded, not paying attention to what I was doing and instead scrolling through his phone. "I'm a city kid, (N/N). Mafia Town is the only place I've ever lived in that's this close to a forest." "Ah. That explains it," I sighed. I adjusted my posture, trying to make the weight of my backpack as bearable as possible. "Welp, I'd better be on my way. Gonna have to get there quick if I wanna be able to see."

      "'Kay," Rex said. He looked up from his phone and asked, "Should I tell CC where you're at?" I shook my head. "Just tell her I went to visit some family overseas or something. I don't need her worrying about me any more than she already does." "Aight. Have fun out there, don't get eaten," he said jokingly. I chuckled, then nodded. "I will. And I promise you, I'm gonna prove those damn rumours wrong! You've got my word, pal!" Rex laughed and smiled. "I don't doubt ya. Now git, I've got shit to do," he said, still smiling as he waved me off. I waved back, and turned to the front door.

      As the oak door clicked shut behind me, I heard Rex say something about "hotboxing the shit outta this place." "What an idiot," I thought. Once I started walking away, I felt something odd in the air. A strange feeling of anxiety loomed over me, but as I normally do, I simply brushed it off. "Ghosts don't exist, I'll be fine." A nervous yet determined expression made its way across my face; eyebrows furrowed, lips pursed. I straightened my posture and upped my walking speed just a bit. "This is gonna be one funky-ass trip, but it'll be fun, that's for sure."

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{🌔} Timeskip {🌖}
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Okay, maybe this was a bad idea. It's literally 9 in the morning and it's pitch black in this damn forest. "God, I woke up early so I'd be able to see where I'm going, too. Guess that meant absolutely fucking nothing," I said under my breath. Of course, I was smart enough to bring a flashlight with me—I've been camping before, so I have a pretty good idea of what I'm meant to be doing—so I could still see, but it honestly seems like this cursed-ass forest just soaks up any light from any source, so I can only see, like, 6 feet in front of me. "This is total bullshit."

I didn't know exactly how long I'd been walking, but my legs were starting to get tired, and I felt like my back was about to snap in half like a goddamn twig with the weight of my backpack, so I decided to take a break and set up camp. I shrugged my bag off my shoulders and set it down beside me, where I sat down and leaned back against a tree. I closed my eyes and sighed, tilting my head back as far as it could go. For a few moments, I just sat there, catching my breath and waiting for the pain in my feet and back to go away, or at least be bearable enough to set up my tent. I opened my eyes again and looked up into the night sky— wait, night?

"Hold up, what the actual hell?" I spoke, just a shade or two quieter than a shout. "There is no way I've been walking that long!"

Quickly, I scrambled to pull my phone out from my pocket. Turning it on, I checked the time. '9:54 A.M.', the screen read. "The fuck? How is it the middle of the night when I've only been walking for an hour?" Confused and somewhat scared, I looked back into the sky. Covered in a blanked of glittering stars, shades of deep purple, blue, and black danced about in the sky, not a cloud in sight. It was one hell of a sight to see, especially since I rarely ever see stars in Mafia Town because of the light pollution, though it would really be a lot more pretty if it wasn't, you know, 10 in the fucking morning. Am I hallucinating? I rubbed my eyes. Nope. Not hallucinating. It's still night time out here. "This is insane." I checked the time again. 9:55 A.M.. "What, is my phone messed up or something? This doesn't make sense," I said, the concern and fear in my voice rising with every word.

~{🌔𝕲𝖑𝖔𝖜 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓, 𝕲𝖑𝖔𝖜 𝖔𝖋 𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖘🌖}~Where stories live. Discover now