🌖~Chapter 5 ~{}~ Webs of Red~🌔

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{A/N: I'm going to be experimenting with writing only in 3rd and 2nd person in some chapters, starting in this one. Just letting you know!}
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{🌔} 3rd person/Narrator's POV {🌖}
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{F/SF} = Favourite snack food

(Y/N) casually walked up the dirt path and into Snatcher's tree, knocking on the wood before entering to catch his attention. He looked up from his book and greeted them. "Well, hello there! Finished cleaning up the ice already?" he asked, oddly chipper. "Yep," (Y/N) replied, putting their flashlight back into their backpack. "Was pretty easy, to be honest." "How the hell did you get it done that quick? Tell me your secrets, witch," Snatcher said, adding the second sentence jokingly. (Y/N) sighed quietly, then explained. "Well, this weird glowing red string came down from the sky and just... helped me. I put a bunch of holes in the ice and cracked it a bit, and the string looped itself through them and yanked itself up to shatter it. It was pretty cool, but like, completely out of nowhere." Snatcher's expression contorted slightly, his eyes widening almost unnoticeably, and his Cheshire grin widened. "Glowing red strings, you say?" (Y/N) nodded, unsure of where this was going. "Well, speaking of those annoyances, I've got another contract for you!" he said, summoning a new contract and quill in front of (Y/N).

Get Rid of the Web Traps

[_] Go around the forest and cut down any of those damned red webs you see!

I will be keeping the following hostage:
...but keep anything you find along the way!

Signed: _______________

Similar to the first contract, it demanded their soul, and allowed them to keep whatever they find that doesn't belong to Snatcher, and had two photographs attached to the paper depicting the aforementioned task. The images were of what they assumed to be the 'web traps' in question, which were composed of... the same red strings that had helped (Y/N) clean up the ice just minutes earlier. "Wait, these are the exact same as the string that helped me get rid of the ice," they said, confused. "Indeed they are, kiddo! Now sign the contract and get rid of them, they're annoying as all hell and my minions keep getting caught in them. I want those damn things gone," Snatcher responded, his voice deepening at the last part. "And once I figure out who's setting them up, I'm gonna beat the ever-loving shit outta them. Or have you do it. I'll probably have you do it."

(Y/N) rolled their eyes and sighed. "Why would you have me do it?" they asked, placing a hand on their hip. "I mean, I'm just some random asshole that invaded your forest for the hell of it. What do you expect me to do against someone with literal magic?" Snatcher laughed at their response. "Absolutely nothing! They'd probably kill you, and honestly? I really don't care!" Again, they sighed, but laughing along with him. "Yeah, that's probably exactly what would happen," they said with a chuckle, and signed the contract. "Good, very good," Snatcher spoke nonchalantly. "Now get to removin', kid. I'm not a patient man." "Uh-huh, yes sir," (Y/N) said with a joking salute, and walked off to one of the depicted locations in the photos. It was an area nearby the village, relatively closed off and hidden; they hadn't been at that specific spot before, but the strings that made up the trap were very bright, and they glowed quite a bit, even if it was just one. With multiple in the same place intersecting with one another, the glow they gave off would likely be even brighter and easier to notice.

~{🌔𝕲𝖑𝖔𝖜 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓, 𝕲𝖑𝖔𝖜 𝖔𝖋 𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖘🌖}~Where stories live. Discover now