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You know, sometimes life just punches you right in the face

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You know, sometimes life just punches you right in the face.

You're not even expecting it, either. So it's not like you can prepare or anything. Soften the blow, be ready for the after.

No, no. Life likes to punch you right in the face, then kick your heart. And it leaves you questioning, uncertain of what's to come, or how to even go about moving forward.

Today, that's me.

I got off early from class and decided to surprise my boyfriend with a romantic lunch date. But I had no idea that it was me who was getting the surprise.

Because when I unlocked the front door to our apartment, I heard faint thumping coming from the bedroom. Worried—how naive—I grabbed a kitchen knife and headed towards the room.

But when I pushed open the door, it wasn't an intruder I found.

It was my boyfriend, Jesse. And he was balls deep in my friend, Raina. The knife clattered to the floor with a loud gasp, causing him to look back at me. And the color drained from his face.

Raina sat up, exposing her bare chest to me, covered in Jesse's saliva and developing hickies. I felt sick. I felt tears stinging my eyes, so I turned on my heel to rush out of the apartment.

Jesse chased after me. When he gripped my wrist, I yanked it away and warned him not to touch me. But as I grabbed my bag and tried to walk out, he grabbed me again.

That's when I saw a little bit of red and swung.

I didn't even mean to. It was just a reaction. He let go of me, though. So he could grip his nose between both hands. And man, did seeing him do that make up for the pain I immediately started feeling throughout my hand.

That's how I ended up sitting at my favorite ice cream parlor. Placing the cup against my knuckles, eating small bites.

The pain is keeping me angry. Cause right now, it hurts like hell and it's Jesse's fault. And I don't have to think about...

I shake my head. Nope, no. Not here.

I sigh, scooping some creamy goodness into my mouth. Then I grab my phone and immediately frown when I see a picture of Jesse and me set as my background. I quickly changed it to the last picture I had in my camera roll, which was a picture I snapped of the blackboard before I left Mr. Peterson's room so I could finish my notes.

I look around the parlor, envious of seeing people together, laughing.

How come life isn't punching them in the face right now? Why me?

I was a good person. I studied hard, was responsible. Paid my bills on time. Never drink and drive. Always tip my waitress.

Why me?

I blink away stinging tears again. Frustrated, I scoop another spoonful of ice cream in my mouth. Then another.

The sad thing is, Jesse and I live together. Lived. It was much more affordable to rent a place close to campus and split the rent instead of staying in the dorms. Plus, after being together for three years, it just made sense. Why not live together?

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