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Stupid, stupid, stupid

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Stupid, stupid, stupid.

That's what I am.

A big fucking idiot.

I was supposed to be staying away from this girl, not protecting her from her ex, getting close to her, inviting to make her dinner when she had already said no once. 

But she didn't say no this time.

Maybe, just maybe, she felt the same way I did when I was close enough to smell her distinct coconut scent, the temptation that arose to press her lips against mine.

I couldn't even focus on my this meeting that was sprung up on me last minute. I know it's important, and I tried to pay attention. But I just couldn't listen to any more investment opportunities when I had a beautiful woman waiting for me at home.

Reluctantly, we had gone into deeper detail about what could be an A-list client wanting to invest in our company and manage his account, which took a good hour or so. Once I finally agreed, and everyone seemed content enough, I excused myself.

Bruce was already waiting for me by the entrance of the building. I loosened my tie as he opened the door. I climbed in and Bruce followed suit, immediately taking off. I pulled out my phone, opening Instagram. I'm not a huge social media person, but I needed to see if Adrianna was. I was hoping for some food pictures to get an idea of what she likes.

I couldn't get far, because there were so many pictures of her. She was absolutely stunning. And her pictures actually showcased a very real person and not a fake that people try to convince everyone that they are.

I found myself smiling as I scrolled through her feed. There was a picture of her crossing her eyes beside another girl with dark hair; another one with her arms thrown up and a huge smile on her face, sitting behind a girl blowing out candles; another with her hair in the messiest bun I've ever seen, tired eyes, yet holding up a paper that had a huge A+ covering half her face, captioned: I stood up for two days studying for this final, but worth it.

God, she was so beautiful. And adorable.

But my smile faded when I found a picture of that same asswipe from the store. It was a picture of him, eyes closed but mid-laugh, lying back in bed. But he was shirtless, and I could see her bare knees in the corners of it—clearly her sitting on top of him. And a terrible, ugly feeling started to creep its way back into my body. I wanted to destroy this man and delete his entire existence from the world.

Especially this fucking picture. Where she's praising him for being such a 'good boyfriend'. I literally wanted to wipe the floor with his head. Like, concrete floor. How can he have someone so perfect and then treat her like she's not? If she were mine, I would worship her body every single day. Wake her up with my tongue between her legs and then fu—

"Daniel?" Bruce's voice interrupted my fantasy. "We're here, sir."

I clear my throat, adjusting my pants. Definitely don't need to walk in with my semi obvious.

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