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I think I have a crush

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I think I have a crush.

Damn it.

I know I shouldn't—especially for what's at stake. But I can't help it.

The more I watched Daniel yesterday and listened to him talk, especially about Mary Grace, I could feel my resolve slipping through my fingers.

He was freely giving himself, too. Telling me about his family, high school stories. Like how he was president of the debate club and loved the feeling of going toe-to-toe with people and knowing he'd win—confident guy. Or how his dad had to pick him up from police custody because a girl he was with used him as a cover to shoplift and they didn't believe he wasn't in on it, which apparently they had kept from his mom so she wouldn't kill him.

Or the one that made my heart melt the most was the story he told me of how he had to rush out of the office when the school had called him to tell him MG fell and hurt herself. It wasn't serious, he said, but he still took her out for ice cream and went to the zoo. It was unexpected, but he said that he wanted to make her smile.

And that made my knees go weak.

But it's also dangerous. I'm making great money just watching over and hanging out with Mary Grace. Honestly, I shouldn't have made what I just did for a couple weeks, but it's an amazing opportunity. I can save up and find a place to rent on my own, or put a down payment on a car. I just need to make it a few months.

That means that I can't fuck this up. I can't go swooning over my super hot boss. I can't keep having these little fantasies that get me all hot and bothered.

I need to be a mature adult. I can do that.

I stretch, rolling over in bed. Mary Grace isn't supposed to come back until later tonight, so I really don't have anything to do. I can probably get my reading done for this week, which is a smart option.

Focus on school, not Daniel.

Determined, I got out of bed. But I stopped short when I saw Daniel already in the kitchen—shirtless. His hair was wet, but I could smell the bacon in the air and hear the popping of oil. He turned, shaking what was in the pot with a strip of bacon between his lips.

Was this some sort of test?

Daniel looks towards me, then smiles. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I finished my run and was hungry, thought breakfast would be a nice surprise."

"Oh, um," I shake my head. "Thank you."

He nods with a smirk before he turns away from me. I quickly run into the bathroom, shut the door and lean back on it.

This was definitely some sort of sick test.

I can do this, I can do this, I can do this.

I talk myself up enough to brush my teeth and comb through my hair. I washed the sleepiness from my face and patted it dry. Then I shut off the light and opened the door, stepping out into the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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