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I woke up before my alarm went off

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I woke up before my alarm went off.

I was dead tired; if I wasn't dreaming about Daniel, I was dreaming about Jesse. And neither seemed like viable options to subject myself to torture for. So I opted for staring at the ceiling.

When six rolled around, I finally got out of bed. I walked down the hall to the bathroom, trying to make do with what I could to look presentable. I put on my skirt from yesterday, but opted for keeping Daniel's shirt on, simply tucking it into my skirt. I ran my fingers through my hair, not accomplishing much with that.

I completely forgot I wouldn't have a toothbrush, either. I groan, grabbing the tub of toothpaste that was left on the sink and squeezed some onto my finger. I did the best I could, trying to rid myself of morning breath. I rinsed my mouth and washed my hands, splashing water on my face.

I patted my face dry and looked at myself.

At least I looked a little less like death, now.

Sighing, I set the towel down and open the door. Because the bathroom is directly across the kitchen, I could see anyone leaning against the counter. Or sitting at the bar. Much to my surprise, I see Daniel sitting there, computer open in front of him.

His eyes moved up, meeting mine, and I almost forget to breathe.

I've never felt whatever this is before in my life. Yeah, I've been attracted to plenty of guys, been turned on, caught feelings a lot. But this? It was something new, something I've never experienced.

It was like my body wanted to be in control and just be close to him. On him. Him in me.

I shudder. Stop, Adrianna.

But...it doesn't help when it feels like his eyes have hands of their own, touching me everywhere his gaze went.

That's what riles me up the most.

Like he's doing right now, examining me from head to toe. Eyes lingering on my hips, then my chest. And all those warm, fuzzy feelings started to resurface, moving from my racing heart to my needy pussy.

When his eyes finally move upward to mine again, I could've sworn he was gripping his coffee mug a bit tighter. But he simply motions to the other end of the kitchen.

"Coffee is fresh," he sets his cup down. "I woke MG up for you so you had time to get ready and get your things."

I walk into the kitchen, smiling. "Thank you." I look around to each of the cabinets. "Um, which one has the mugs?"

"Behind you."

I turn, opening the cabinet behind me. I grab a mug, then grab the coffee pot and pour the hot liquid into it. I walk towards the island, propping my elbows on it as I bring it to my lips.

And it took all my might not to spit it out.

I hate coffee. But I just wanted an excuse to be on the same room as him just a little longer.

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