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It's been a week since my breakup with Jesse

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It's been a week since my breakup with Jesse. And it's been hell.

After that day that Daniel surprised me with donuts, he's been distant. Not that I blame him, though. I've been equally as distant—eating later dinners, or in my room, staying in the living room with Mary Grace so I can have a quick escape to my room when Daniel gets home.

And what has that alone time earned me? Nothing but time to simmer in my anger for Jesse.

Raina and Jesse have tried blowing up my phone, but I haven't answered. I'd hear he was trying to find me on campus and I'd hide out in the nearest empty classroom. Or that she just wanted to 'talk', but if she came in my face right now, I was scared I'd hurt her.

I talked to my mom about it. And she told me that anger is normal, but I can't let it control my life.

Which is exactly what I've been doing. And I'm not letting anger, Jesse or Raina control me anymore.

Especially now, that I'm being bombarded by my best friends.

"Come on, Anna." Iris tugs at my arms. "We haven't been clubbing in so long. Even before dickhead did what he did. I think that we all deserve it."

"I know I do," Shelby grins. "Pearson is busting my ass and this is my first weekend assignment free."

I sigh. I glance at Shelby, envying her clear, olive skin. Her parents are Filipino, and Shelby was actually born in the Philippines, but moved here when she was super young. But I've always envied just how naturally gorgeous she is: the dark, tanned skin, the slender, dark eyes, her cute round nose, circle lips, perfectly arched brows and dark black hair that framed her round cheeks and cascaded down her back.

And Iris? God, Iris was even more beautiful. Dark skin, pouty lips. Her nose was slender and upturned, eyes round, even darker brown than Shelby's. Her eyebrows were dark brown and rounded beautifully, and her face slender, a beautiful heart-shape. Her hair a beautiful caramel brown in tight curls that framed her flawless face.

I swear, in this situation, I'm the ugly friend. Even Raina is gorgeous, with her green, mesmerizing eyes and freckled high cheek bones. Fair skin and (dyed) platinum blonde hair.

I'm easily the least one to get picked up at a bar next to these girls.

"You gotta come, Anna. Your boss gets home at, like, seven right? That's perfect, we can pick you up and go from there."

I let go of a defeated breath, fighting a smile. "Alright, alright. You win. I need a night out."

They both squealed, clapping their hands together. "Finally!" Shelby exclaims.

"Have your ass ready by eight. We'll pregame and head to Tossica around ten." Iris grins.

I can't help but smile as we finish our lunch together. We'd headed out to the small cafe right off campus, called Gina's. Gina's is super cute and quaint. It's a cafe you'd find in a small town, with soft yellow walls and red leather booths and a white, retro countertop with black stools. There's even a juke box in the corner, lots of vintage décor throughout the walls.

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