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Don't look back

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Don't look back. Don't look back. Don't look back.

I had to keep chanting that in my head so I wouldn't turn around and stare at her, make her uncomfortable. But she was just so damn beautiful.

But I had to stop when I didn't hear her footsteps. I turn slowly, seeing her rooted in place. I almost grin, striding back towards her.

"Problem, Ms. Lee?"

"You want me to move in today?"

"That's what I said, is it not?"

She bites her lip, and it takes all my strength not to drop my gaze to it. Something is clearly bothering her.

"What's the problem?"

"I just," she shakes her head. "All my stuff is in my place. Or, my old place. I was moving out today, anyway. But I have to go and get it, I just..."

I raise a brow. "Just what, Ms. Lee?"

She sighs, slapping her hands on her thighs. I resist the urge to look at them, but when she winces and brings her hand to her chest, I immediately step forward.

"What is it?"

She chuckles nervously, shaking her head. "Just hurt my hand."


She doesn't answer. But I do see the pain flash in her eyes for just a brief moment before she looks out of the window. I shove my hands in my pockets—to resist touching her—and blow out a breath.

"You said if I asked, you'd tell me. This is me asking, Ms. Lee."

She nibbles her lip as she looks back towards me. "I punched someone."

I wanted to smile.

I wanted to smile so bad.

I never want to smile like this.

But I'll be damned. I wasn't expecting that answer.

"Did they deserve it?" She nods. I shrug. "Is that where your stuff is?" Another nod, so I huff a breath. "Well, you need what belongs to you, don't you? But for tonight, you can make do with what we have. Tomorrow is a new day."

Her smile is soft, warm. I think her smile is my new favorite sight in the world.

"Thank you." She twists her lips, then chuckles lightly. "I don't even know your name."

I straighten my back, hold out my hand towards her. "Daniel Le Noir."

She looks at my hand, only hesitating for a second before lifting her eyes back to mine and then placing her hand in mine.

And there it was. That feeling. It was an indescribable feeling, honestly. One I hadn't experienced until I touched her earlier today. And just now.

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