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I wasn't able to focus

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I wasn't able to focus.

I was actively trying to focus, and I just couldn't. Adrianna's face was just painfully engraved into my mind all morning.

She looked so...sad. Honestly, for the first time, it was as if she was so exhausted from keeping her facade up that her walls were down and she just looked defeated.

And for some reason, it made me furious. Like, I wanted to take whatever made her so sad and just crush it.

And it made me even more pissed to see her cut and bleeding. Every time she comes back to my house, she's hurt in some way. And if some sick motherfucker put their hands on her, I'm going to lose it.

"Mr. Le Noir?"

I glance at my secretary, Jamie, as she walks cautiously over to me. "Hm?"

"Your meeting with Mr. Lashman and Damascus is about to begin. Or, well, they're already there and waiting."

"They can keep waiting, Jamie." My voice was much harsher than I intended. "I'll be on my way when I'm ready."

Jamie just let go of a breath and walked away. I mean, she didn't deserve the brunt of my anger. But I'm also the boss and I can arrive at whatever meeting I want at whatever fucking time I want.

Not like I had the patience to just sit around and listen to them pitch their terrible ideas about investments and stock values.

Which, to be clear, I did not. I spent the entire meeting staring out of the window, wondering what Adrianna was up to. If she was okay. I know it's supposed to be strictly business between us, despite this indescribable pull towards her. But that doesn't mean I can't check up on her and make sure she's okay.

I mean, that's what a good boss would do, right?

Yeah, cause you've done that for Jamie, or anyone else in this office.

I wave my hand at my thoughts, causing the two men to look at me. I just clear my throat and stand up, fixing my suit jacket. "Sorry, gentlemen. I have to cut this meeting short. I have an emergency to take care of."

"Of course," Jim was the first to stand. "Shall we pick this up tomorrow?"

I inwardly roll my eyes. "Perhaps, talk with Jamie about my schedule. Good day."

I pick up my leather binder and take it to my office. I open the wood door, shut the blinds to the windows and grab my phone. I walk, towards the elevator, quickly texting Bruce I needed a ride early. Lucky for me, he was already close by.

Always is.

I take the elevator down, slipping my phone into my pocket, striding through the lobby once the doors opened. I stand on the sidewalk, waiting for Bruce.

It only took a couple minutes before he finally pulled up. I didn't bother waiting for him to get out and open the door. Hell, I've told him a thousand times he didn't even have to do that. All I needed was for him to drive, we're capable of opening our own doors.

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