Conversations In The Dark

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Bad yawned quietly, glancing away from the TV on the wall. It was past midnight, but he and Skeppy continued to sit on the couch watching some old movie on the TV. Bad never minded Skeppy's night owl habits, as he too enjoyed staying up until the moon began to set. There was something surreal about nighttime on the SMP, being awake when the rest of the population was sleeping.

The room was large but only a small part of it was lit by the glow of the screen, the rest was hidden in cool darkness. When people stayed over at the mansion, they usually avoided the dark areas, but Bad didn't mind, and certainly didn't get enough visitors to install any lights. It was better in the darkness anyway. He looked over at Skeppy who seemed to be dozing off, not paying much attention to the movie. Bad knew just as well as Skeppy that the movie they watched didn't matter half as much as the fact that they were spending time together.

"Skeppy?" He whispered.

Skeppy shook his head slightly before looking over at Bad. "Hm?"

"Just wanted to see if you were still awake," Bad said gently, looking back up at the screen. He smiled contently as Skeppy leaned his head on Bad's shoulder. "Are you tired?"

"Nmm," Skeppy grumbled, not answering his question. Bad took it as a yes.

Bad stayed silent as Skeppy returned to his zoning out, fighting the urge to close his eyes and sleep. He knew that if he fell asleep on the couch, he would wake up feeling uncomfortable, so he tried to focus back on the movie. He thought about the man sitting beside him, the person who had helped him to turn this house into a home, and he smiled thinking about all the good memories the two had shared around the lands of the SMP.

As the movie came to an end, Bad was blinking away sleep, desperate to stay awake long enough to make it back to his bed before falling asleep. "Skeppy?" He whispered again, looking to see if Skeppy was awake. He got no response and sighed. Bad carefully slid off the couch, trying his best not to wake Skeppy.

Standing in front of the couch, he turned off the TV and tried to figure out what to do. He could choose to leave Skeppy laying on the couch, allowing him to come to bed when he woke up, or he could find a way to get Skeppy up the stairs and into bed. He didn't want to leave him there, so Bad gently wrapped his arms around Skeppy and lifted him up. The light of the moon shone in through the window, casting beams of light onto the small diamonds that freckled Skeppy's face.

Bad readjusted himself, careful to not make any sudden movements that would wake Skeppy, and then walked across the room to the staircase. To Bad, Skeppy wasn't heavy, but anyone else would struggle to carry him if they tried. Skeppy looked to be about an average size, and he wasn't very tall either, but the diamond hybrid element to him made him weigh a lot more than he appeared to. Bad didn't have any issue though, as he could choose to be just about as strong as he wanted.

Being a Nether demon came with some perks: Bad was able to appear as tall as he liked, up to 10 feet, he was much stronger than an average person, and he was also resistant to fire, which was useful in the Nether, but not so much in the lands of the SMP. Bad appeared only around 6 feet tall, his chosen height because it was convenient to be able to fit through door frames, and he would still be able to tease Skeppy about how much shorter he was.

He smiled at the thought as he reached the top of the stairs. The second floor of the mansion was also very dark and mainly empty, but on either side were the bedrooms the two had decorated. To Bad's right was Skeppy's room, and to the left was Bad's room, but Skeppy's room was hardly homely, and Skeppy couldn't stand sleeping alone. Bad headed for the door on his left, carefully pushing it open with his tail so he didn't move his arms too much.

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