Chapter 4

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The next day, the The kamado siblings and Muzan's family were at Kie kamado's grave. As the Kamado siblings prayed in respect. Once they finished there're prayers they both got up and walked back home with Muzan's family.

Once they reached home, Nezuko rushed to her bedroom and shut the door and crying tears out. Tanjiro on the other hand sat on a cushion as he quietly cried.

Tanjiro's POV:
How? How could have this happened to mom? Years after dad's death. Now she's not hear. I have to stay strong though. What father had always said... To be strong and kind hearted always.

As the the family stayed quiet for a moment. Both Tanjiro and Nezuko mourned the lost of therr mother. But Muzan on the other hand, didn't mourn for long.

Muzan walked towards Tanjiro's direction.

"Oh my poor boy."

Muzan then sat next to him placing a cushion besides him, before embracing him as Tanjiro embraced back.

"I can't believe... She's gone." Tanjiro cried.

Muzan wiped his tears away from Tanjiro's eyes.

"Now child. There's no need to cry anymore. Understand?"

"Yes stepfather." Tanjiro nodded.

"Oh, you can me that." Muzan said before slapping Tanjiro, swiftly. "Sir will do." He finished.

Tanjiro didn't even have time to react, he was speechless of what his stepfather's actions committed, if he can even call him that.

"Y- yes sir." Tanjiro replied without any reaction before getting back up and dusting off and walking away.

But in doing so, Muzan snapped his fingers.

Signaling both Susamaru and Yahaba running towards Tanjiro.


Tanjiro wasn't able to react in time as both demons started hitting and kick Tanjiro.

"Ah! Please!! Stop!!" Tanjiro begged.

Yahaba kicked Tanjiro against the wall, leaving the injured boy weakly trying to get up.

"From now on. You will listen to us and obey us." Muzan said. "You will be cleaning and serving us. You can start by cleaning the kitchen, once you get up."

"If you even can!" Susamaru exclaimed with a laugh.

Both Muzan and the demon siblings left and walked back to each of their rooms.

Nezuko's POV:

I couldn't believe mama was gone. I wiped away my tears, before then hearing screaming that sounded like Tanjiro! I swiftly got up and creeped in the hallway and saw... Brother was getting beat up by our step brother and sister! I couldn't reacted and just stood there standing unable to say anything. I was paralyzed. After the 3 left the living room I ran to Tanjiro's side.

Normal POV:

"Onii- chan!!! Are you ok!?!" Nezuko asked, helping him sit up.

"Yes... I'm alright sis." Tanjiro replied weekly. "I'm just glad your not hurt."

"What happened?!"

"Let's just say that things will he changing...alot." Tanjiro sighed. "But don't you worry about that. Your big brother is here to protect you."

Nezuko embraced him as Tanjiro embraced back.

"I hope." He whispered in his mind.

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