Okay this was not planned .. As I was typing the story in here. By mistake Publish button got clicked and now I am here currently with my two chapters published , even before it was complete. So I'll just Complete it now, So that it does not create any problems. And as it was promised. I put the casts.
Enjoy Chapter 2...And please comment and Vote.
And the chapter is dedicated to HiGh_On_LiFe_ , as she was the first person here to show me her support, thanks a lot. Please read her new story 'Playing With Love'. :)
Trust me or not but the truth is I hate long flight journeyes, Seven hours and thirty minutes! yes! For seven hour and thirty minutes we had been sitting here. On all the way Chloe was sleeping but mom was not. She was pale and was continuously looking outside at the clouds, I guess. I have completed reading two stories from wattpad, a great app I must say, once download then read unlimited stories for free, but now it was making be bore. I kept reading through the whole journey as firstly, I was not able to sleep like Chloe and secondly, I am a bookworm and thirdly, I did not want to remember the last night's incident so reading seemed to be one of the best option to keep myself occupied between the flying ride over the ocean. I looked outside my window pane and was clearly able to see the skyscraper of Manhattan.
Soon a sweet voice through the intercom came asking us to fasten our seat belts as the plane was about to land. I did as I was asked and shook Chloe lightly, she woke up scrunching her eyes. Her blonde hair was a mess, unlike my brown. Good thing we are fraternal. But what I meant that it would have caused a problem to others if we were identicles.
Just imagine, someone would come and ask...
Are you Beth or Chloe? I mean. Yeah it would have been confusing then.I looked out and sure thing was that the view was breathtaking, I wanted to be an architect since my childhood and this kind of things always fascinated me. Last time we came to NYC was two years ago, on Christmas, when everything was just fine.
After our system checking was done with everything, passport, visa, money and all, which took our time a little, we were finally able to hire a cab.
"Jenny's Cafe...Umm...Mom which street?.." Chloe asked looking at mom, I let out a chuckle which only earned me a glare from my twin.
"Jenny's Cafe...Madison Avenue? " Driver asked himself and mom just nodded with a smile, My Grand mom aka Jennifer Louis aka our Jenny, who owns the most famous of all the cafes' around the city. Everybody knows where to go, when you say Jenny's cafe.
Our cab stopped in front of a building . The building was quite tall, but the ground floor had Jenny's cafe. A long queue was there, starting from cafe's door. Jenny was loaded, she runs many cafes around the whole city, as this was her only dream, to own cafe shops. But most of her time you will be able to find her here. Her cafe was famous for its delicious coffee with sweet aroma and mouth melting pastries.
"This way . " Mom said leading us towards the entry to the building.
As we reached the main lobby of the building Jenny came in view.
Her charming looks were doing just the best job to hide her real age.
"You okay dear?" Jenny asked mom, taking her in embrace. As soon as Jenny took mom in her embrace , she started to cry.
I could feel my eyes getting watery at the scene in front of me but I resisted them. I should not cry here , told myself mentally.
"Don't worry sweetie , everything will be fine." Jenny said taking her out from her embrace, looking at her for few moments before shaking her lightly by her shoulders and saying. "You are my daughter, Man Up Women!" Me and Chloe could not help but crack a small laugh at the mention of her Man up Women! quote.
"Hi there my twins." Jenny finally said , beaming towards us with her arms wide open. Me and Chloe took it with a bright smile.
"Hi Jenny." We said in unison, and this time Jenny let out a small chuckle.
"What? You two absolutely sound like twins." She said as she saw our faces. We both shook our head at her attempt to joke and gave her a kiss at both of her cheeks together, this was our little tradition since childhood.
"Argh! you all stink...come come...lets get you all freshen up. " Jenny said , pulling away from us, as she tried to make the situation lighter. We all , followed her with a smile. Jenny surely did know how to make hard situations smooth.
The lift led us to a big pent house at the ninth floor. With a huge living, having two sets of sofa. One in L-shape, facing the huge 42 inch LCD screen. The walls were painted in silky texture with light cream color having a hint of yellow in it. And curtains in velvet brown, adding more grace to its classic look. A staircase went up and a glassed window at one whole side of the room leading to the balcony. Which was having one of the most beautiful view of the NYC skylines .
Richard, Jenny's most trusted butler, he led me and Chloe to show us our rooms but the first room he showed took our whole interest to it. It was a big room, with a Glassed window just like in the living room, leading to another balcony but a little smaller than the downstairs. It had a big couch facing another huge-flat LCD. A king sized bed, a dressing table with many cosmetics lined up in front already, a small room size wardrobe and a small library formed at one of the wall with a reading table in front, my favorite spot and an attached bathroom.
Some changes were done in this pent house, I don't remember this room here before. May be Jenny decided to add and minus some changes in here.
"This room is definitely yours.'' Chloe said as she was looking up and down at the book shelf again and again. Definitely mine!. "But the view is amazing, I don't want to leave."
"Lets share it then." I don't mind sharing my room with Chloe. And as if my single statement said it all. She grinned and asked Richard to shift her bags in the same room.
The sun was about to set, which was making the whole sky look more than beautiful. Me and Chloe was sharing a room, as we decided to do so. Neither me nor Chloe was ready to leave such a room with the exceptional view and of course the whole small library and sure behind the view and the library there was something and that, we wanted to stay together. Me and Chloe knew it, we did not have to say it out loud, after all we are twins.
After having a early dinner we all went to bed. Well I went, I was very tired by the end of the day and was ready to go to my dreamland soon. I left all the worries behind as I laid down , closing my eyes, with a wish for everything to go back to normal...soon.
I broke the chapter in two. As this chapter was bigger, and it was totally unexpected. Yeah, my mistake but then I decided to let it stay published. I did not want you to hang in middle for long so I split the chapter in two parts. This chapter was quite long. Hope you all will like it.
Please Vote and comment. It means a lot.
Thank you.

New Girl In The City
Chick-LitLondon is the place where Beth grew up. With her Twin sister, Charlotte , mom and her Father. Everything was fine and perfect. Her dad was one of the richest people in London, multimillionaire, who owns many hotels across the country. But as her da...