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It's crazy, believing you know someone but you don't. You can spend your entire life with someone and still don't know anything about them. You can know all the big things but none of the little things like their favorite color. Or maybe you know the tiny details but not the big ones.

So despite knowing them their entire life, devoting yourself to them, loving them.... Then why am I fighting him ? Why was he made to be my enemy ?

Looking into his green eyes, no sentence could be formed with my mouth. Every thought I had was vanished , as if I was a blank canvas.

You could give me infinite time and yet I would never know him. It was like a stab to the heart. The person I love isn't someone I can love, yet I chose to.

Deep inside me, I knew it was him, I knew he was the prince. I just didn't want to believe it. I was told he was, but chose to not believe it. All the signs literally pointed to him, but me being blind , I didn't notice.

Saying this one simple word nearly crushed me.

"Meliodas..." All he did was stand there and stare at me

"Y/n..." Just from him saying my name, I felt my heart speed up. If this continues I don't think I'll make it. How can someone who looks like an angel be the actual devil ?

Or maybe I wasn't blind, maybe they're wrong

"I promise it's not what it looks like." He quickly rushed forward and wrapped his arms around my head. Quickly believing he was going to try something on me I kicked him in the chest and jumped away from where he was kicked.

    "Don't you try it with me, I'm not in the mood." Placing a hand on the hilt of my sword, I begin to get ready to swing at him.

     "Wait ! Just hear me out at least. Yes I admit, I'm the prince, and I was apart of the Ten Commandments. But I left them, I had even killed two of its members."  Lifting an eyebrow at him, I fix my posture and stand straight.

     "Was ? How do I know you aren't lying ? I mean you've been lying to me since we met so what difference does it make now ?" I squint my eyes at him, my eyes following every move he makes.

    Despite loving him, I can't let my heart get in the way of what's right and what's wrong. I won't be the reason millions die.

      " I left the commandments, my Sin was for gaining human feelings. I've realized what's going on isn't right, all the killing and the fighting one another is useless." Loosening up my grip on my sword , I feel as if a heavy weight had lifted off my shoulders.

And just like that I believed him, nice y/n very nice. Blame it on the pregnancy hormones

      " That still doesn't explain why you're here and how the hell the demon clan started attacking earlier then expected."

    This conversation definitely isn't confusing and wasn't just thrown in the story because the author doesn't know what to write

   "They have someone on the inside, someone from the goddess clan. " I felt my heart still , all the air in my lungs had disappeared.

  That can't be true, there's no way someone front my clan is a traitor

  "Before you say that it's not true, it is believe me. I'm not exactly sure on who it is because they've remained anonymous. But they've sent small scrolls of information on everything. Here." Meliodas handed me a small bag, with scrolls inside.  Grabbing a random one I open it and my heart nearly jumped out of my ass.

  It was our surprise attack plan. So this whole time they knew of everything

    Opening each one , they all held different pieces of information in them. From each goddess power information to where we were hiding.

   "I'm sorry y/n... for not telling you sooner. If I did we could've stopped it. But I promise I'm on your side." He formed a fist at his side and looked to the side.

     "I want to help you fight, even if you don't want me to. I will be by your side always." Staring at the blonde male, I knew that I'd always forgive him.
Without a second thought I ran to meliodas with open arms.

     " Of course I believe you, you big moron. You honestly had me scared back there, when I found out who you were, my heart shattered. I didn't know what I'd do if I actually had to fight you." Shoving my face further into his chest, I release yet another sigh.

     "So , what's the plan ? Your majesty ." Rolling my eyes at him, I push him away from me.

Not surprising he knew

    " Well we were supposed to surprise you all, but that's out of the question now. They're currently attacking one of the kingdoms now as we speak. I was on my way there, but you ended up being in my path."

    "Whose to say we still cant surprise them ?" Looking up at Meliodas with a questioning look, he gives me signature smirk back.

     " Well blondie, gonna tell me your amazing idea?"

    "Well before that, can I just say your boo-"


      "It was worth it ."


I did try to make it at least a  1000 words , but I am redoing some of the older chapters rn. I just finished rewriting chapter 1-3 if you want to read it again.

Also again sorry if this chapter is slightly confusing and a little rushed. But with me updating the older chapters I promise I'll be a lot smoother and more understandable, so don't be afraid to re-read  the older chaps.


        Cloud ☁️ #FF7

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