10. Blush

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Not proof read , sorry not sorry.


I woke up to the sun peaking through the curtains. I felt a light breeze come through the window, waking me from my blissful state.

Yawning I stretch my body, hearing a crack every now and then, waking up my limbs. I felt heating radiating off from my pillow and snuggled into it more, wanting more of it. Sighing in content I give the pillow a good squeeze.

Wait, a pillow isn't this hard!

Opening my eyes quickly I'm met with a chest. I looked up to see Meliodas sleeping. He looked so peaceful, almost like an Angel. My face softened when I saw him, the sun was hitting him at the right angle. He looked beautiful in all honesty.

Slowly I reach my hand up to cup his cheek, causing him to stir slowly. Freezing in my place, I wait for him to stop moving and I quickly move my hand back to my side. Gripping my chest, I feel heat start to rise to my cheeks.

I look down to see that he was shirtless and there were scars here and there, but not huge, just tiny ones. And boy was he fit. I felt drool slowly leak out of my mouth, embarrassed by my action I start to wipe my mouth. I moved my head closer into his chest not wanting to lose the warmth that was coming from his body. Or maybe it was the heat that was rising onto my face? Who knows.

I rub my head against him, wanting to get rid of the images of his sleeping body from my mind, but they kept replaying and replaying. Almost like a movie, but instead it was only one scene replaying over again.

After a few minutes of arguing with myself and trying to ride myself of any sinful thought, I start to try , keyword try , to squirm out of Meliodas's arms. Every attempt I made was a failure. He would only tighten his hold on me and pull me closer to him, if it was possible.

Giving up I let out a sigh, holding the end of my nose with two fingers I try to think of a way out. Starting to think about it , I need to pee... frack

"Meliodas ! Meliodas !" I was whisper-shouting at him. I placed my hand on his shoulders and tried to shake him away. I continued this for another minute until I finally gotten results.

"Shut up, can't ya see I'm trying to sleep ?" He pulled me underneath him, while he rolled on top of me. Locking me in place.

I felt my breathing hitch and I couldn't breath.

H-he's shirtless and o-on t-t-top of m-mee
I thought.

What should I do ? I gotta use the bathroom!!

Placing my hands on his chest I tried to push him off, only to have him fight back. He grabbed both of my wrists and placed them above my head. He gave me a stern look.

"Sleep." He had a raspy voice, he stared into my soul. I felt my soul leaving my body as he stared at me.

He kept his grip on me and they slightly tightened, they weren't hurting yet though. yet.

I need to pee still ! And really badly now !!

I felt tears wanting to spill at the corner of my eyes. I really had to go and I can't hold much longer. I hate bladders man.

His eyes soften and he quickly let my wrists loose.

"Hey I-" I quickly cut him off by pushing him off me, which lead him to roll onto the floor. I sprinted off the bed and into the bathroom where I could finally do my morning routine.


Walking out the bathroom I let out a satisfied sigh. A smile formed on my face.

"I'm sorry if I made you cry, I didn't mean to!" I looked up to see Meliodas scratching the back of his neck, he looked upset.

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