14. Ara

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-Honestly can't come up with chapter names rn-


I woke up to the sun shining brightly in my face.  Yawning I stretch out my limbs and make my way to the bathroom to do my daily routine.

"Man, I'm hungry." Rubbing my stomach I look in the cabinets for some food. "Dammit I'm way to lazy to cook right now." Sighing, I just grab some cereal and quickly munch on it.

"What are we doing today Y/N?" Looking down I spot the small feline playing with some yarn.

"We can walk around town and visit Elizabeth."  I haven't seen her in awhile now that I think about it. I think the last time I saw her was when she slept over. We really didn't do anything when she came over, she was already asleep when we got home and when we woke up she had to immediately go home.

"I totally just remembered something !" Snapping my fingers I stand up. "Me and Meliodas were supposed to have a date. "

"A date?" Hawk said with a mouth full of food.

"Keep eating and you'll turn into a pig." I lightly yank his tail. "And yes a date. But then I had to go to that meeting and what not, so we moved it." I remember when he had asked me. It was out of nowhere for me, unfortunately the next day I remembered about the meeting and came up with a shitty excuse.

"You looovee him!" He rubs himself on my leg, purring.

"Shut up you stupid cat!" Pushing him away, I turn my head to hide the blush.

Ding dong

"Who could that be ?" All I could sense was that it was another being behind the door.

"Maybe a secret admirer? Oh wait ! Maybe someone whose giving out food!" Hawk starts to run in a circle, drool coming out of his mouth as he thought of food.

Peeking out the window I see a very tall a buff looking guy.

"Who the heaven is that?" I tried to look into his memories , but I didn't want to harm him too much. If he is human I won't ever forgive myself for harming him.

"Hello?" I softly said as I peeked my head out the door.

"Do you happen to be F/N?" I give him a questionable look, debating if I should tell him or not. He quickly sees my staring and chuckles.

"I mean, I'm actually a friend of Meliodas. The names Ara. " I open the door wider, but I still kept my guard up.

"How?" I felt like I couldn't trust him. My gut was telling me to take him down right now.

"We were in the same village that got attacked. But I ran a different way then he, I saw him the other day hunting and he said I could stay awhile." Nodding my head at him. Trying to detect any once of lying , I didn't sense it.

"He also said something about 'don't check my drawers'. Whatever that means." I quickly run toward Meliodas room like the speed of light. Ara was slightly pushed back from the amount of wind that pushed him , from my running.

"That deceiving little pervert ! I'll KILL HIM!!!" I hold up a handful of some of my favorite panties. Steam was coming out of my ears as my face became red with anger.

I swear I'll kill the nitwit

I start to grumble to myself, thinking of a plan to get Meliodas.

"Maybe I should throw him into a pit full of spikes" I whispered to myself. I must think holy, but with this brat I just want to beat him to a pulp.

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