27. Epilogue

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Timeskip a few months later

In the dim light of dawn, Y/N clutched her belly, a secret harbored within. The air was thick with the scent of a coming storm, mirroring the turmoil in her heart. She watched from the shadows, her gaze lingering on Meliodas, his laughter a distant melody she longed to join. With each passing day, the life within her grew, a silent witness to the eternal cycle of love and loss that the curse dictated.

As Meliodas's eyes met another's, a familiar scene unfolded, one that Y/N had memorized over countless lifetimes. Yet, this time, it was different. This time, she held within her the promise of a new beginning, a child that belonged to them both. A tear slipped down her cheek, for she knew this truth was hers to bear alone.

The curse was a cruel jailer, but the life stirring inside her was a beacon of hope. Y/N's hand tightened over her womb, a silent vow passing her lips. She would find a way to break the chains of fate, for the sake of the love that refused to die and the child that deserved to know a father's embrace.

The scene was set, the players in motion, and as the first light of the sun broke the horizon, Y/N felt a resolve steel within her. This was not the end of her story, nor the beginning, but it was a turning point, one that whispered of hope and reunion in the face of an endless curse.

In the quietude before the dawn, Y/N's voice wove into the wind, "A tapestry of cycles, one thread ends, entwining into the next. Our love, the loom that weaves through time, until the pattern complete breaks the spell so cruel and prime."

Y/N, cursed to observe from the shadows, watched as Meliodas's story with Elizabeth unfolded time and again, a loop of love and tragedy. Powerless to intervene, Y/N's heart ached with each cycle, the curse a constant reminder of what they had lost and the battle they had yet to win.

Soon my love.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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