15. Blaze

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Sorry for the day late update- I got busy and this is the truth lol, but spring break is next week so I'll be focused on making more chapters
This will probably also be shorter then most chapters

Meliodas pov

"Where did Aranak go ? It has been nearly a day already." I was becoming anxious, but I tried holding it back. Human emotions are stupid.

"No clue My lord" Fraudrin stares. I looked around to see Zeno glanced downward avoiding my gaze.

"Zeno." He glanced up at me, I could see the sacredness in his eyes. I was to be their next ruler, everyone's scared of power and what it can do. "Where is he?" I spat at him with venom. He knows where he's at. I felt my power slowly start to raise.

"Uh-h-He went to the Mesana village." He said whispered, but I heard. I felt anger rise inside me, but I looked calm outside.

"Why?" Zeno could sense my anger, he began to shiver with fear. Thinking of what would happen because of this betrayal.

"He said he wanted to prove that he could be the next heir instead of you , sire." He hid behind Gowther's shoulder, not wanting to feel my wrath.

Grunting in response I make my way out of the castle, and spread my dark wings out. I look up at the sky sensing if anything was happening where she was at. If I find out he touched her, I won't hesitate to have some fun with him.

Narrowing my eyes I turn my head downward to see all the Vampires avoiding looking at me. Their all scared and too useless to do anything about it anyways. Turning my back from them I feel a power wave, coming from the southeast of us.

Damnit, that stupid bastard.

I jump into the air, leaving a crack on the floor. I soar over the vampires kingdom and head towards the village.

I hate this feeling, I hate knowing that this angel has made me gain feelings. Pathetic human feelings, who has time for that anyways ?

Every second that passes I can feel my anger start to rise, the darkness wanted to take over. I could sense the power coming from Aranak, the idiot trying to kill her.

Who cares if I become a traitor , he deserves to be killed.


Landing I see Y/N get slashed in the back, making her fall to her knees. She grips onto her sword and I can barley make out the small conversation that was going on between the too.

"Earlier you said you knew Meliodas already, tell me the truth about that." I could faintly hear her, her voice was strong yet you could hear it waver. Her body wanted to fall right then and there, but because of her Angel side it it won't let it. I glare at Aranak, if he tells her about me then it's over with. She'll probably never forgive me.

"Well that's a simple answer. You see Meliodas, he's m-" I quickly punch him and he goes flying off to the side into a bunch of trees. The look of surprise on his face tells me he didn't notice me.

"M-meliodas?" I kneel down to her and I could see all the cuts on her face.

"Just rest F/N. I'll protect you , I promised I would. You did good." Her eyes fluttered closed as she nodded her head. Sighing, I became frustrated. This was all happening to fast to my liking. I just hope she doesn't ask how I dealt with him after, but then again I know she will. I can't say an angel came to help cause she'll know if it's a fib, maybe a holy knight ? That should hopefully work.

Looking back I see Aranak standing back, he cracked his neck and looked at me, grinning.

"Look who finallyyy decided to join the party! Prince Meliodas!" I laid Y/N down , making sure nothing would harm her. I stand up and glare at Aranak, he will pay for his sin!

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