17. Naive/lil A

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Sorry ive been a lazy
No lie- this chapter is a mess to me lol- sorry for any grammar error or anything



"What do you mean ?" Meliodas said. I averted my gaze and turned around.

"He said he knew you and I had asked him how and if he were telling the truth..." I turned my gaze on him , "He was about to say 'Meliodas is m-'' but he got cut off from you. So tell me the truth, are you the Prince of hell?" So many thoughts were running through my head, what if he was ? or what if he wasn't ?

"Well that's a silly thing to ask ! Of course I'm not, but if I were, what would you have done ? You're only a human after all, aren't you ?" He tilted his head to me and arched one of his eyebrows. Now he was trying to question me.

"I mean you were fighting one of the Ten Commandments, no human could possibly survive a fight with them, not even as long as you have. So tell me are you really human F/N?" My eyes widen by a fraction, but just as fast as they widen they went back to normal.

"Simple, I did what every human could do and that was to try and run away, I didn't know who he was at first. Plus You're the one who defeated him and you're only a human, so you're one to talk." I felt one part of my brain rummaging through files, almost as if finding evidence on how he wasn't human, but then the other is defending on that he was a human. Like how when he left to go 'hunt' he would be gone for nearly a week and every time he was gone the Commandments would attack. He even defeated one of the Ten Commandments, no normal person can do that, and I know he isn't one of those 'holy knights'.

"And if you were the Prince of Hell , I more then likely would have been dead by now or see which side you really are on." At this point I was saying what first came to mind.

What the hell am I saying ? I'd probably kill the bastard...

But it's Meliodas I don't know if I'd be able too

"If I were him then I would probably say both." I looked up to him, my mouth slightly open. I saw him clench his first tightly as his eyes gaze towards the window. It was such a nice day and here we were , maybe about to fight. "I would say I'm the one who is causing this upcoming holy war, but that I now want to end it and not be as evil. I'd say that I've gained what humans call emotions..." he turned to me and smile.

Am I really this naive ? Yes, yes I am

"But it doesn't explain on how every time you leave to hunt, the Ten Commandments attack." He hummed and rubbed his chin.

"Well every time your gone I hear that those Angels fight or have this sort of meeting." He was trying to turn this around on me. " I mean even if you were trying to run away from Aranak he would've caught you easily and killed you."

Did I ever tell him his name ?
Just believe him Y/N

"Maybe he was only trying to rough me off a bit for someone else too see, maybe he was actually waiting for you to come!" I crossed my arms over my chest. "Plus how do you know his name ? I never told you."

"He told me, when me and that one knight were fighting him." He leaned against the wall staring at me.

"Then why don't you have any injuries?"

"Simple the holy knight mostly fought with him. While he was fighting him I took care of you." I looked over Meliodas again, still not being able to detect any source of evil or dark energy around him.

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