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Updated : July 4th,2022
03-18-2024- currently revising

A month had gone by and there had already been the destruction of Camelot, which just had happened. The village I was at were on their toes and everyone was training even the children. This was the time where everyone grew up into war, they had to in order to survive. Camelot was a few hundred thousand miles , but still, better safe then sorry.

Over the course of the month I became close to everyone , especially Elizabeth. I was connected to her , I knew I was. I'll protect her with my life.

BF/n visited to when they could, but it wasn't much. We kept each other updated and apparently heaven is in havoc on the news I gave them so everything is crazy. They're all preparing for a war that'll happen soon. Everyone was making allies to help fight.

Panting I wipe the sweat off my forehead. I had been practicing my sword skills because I was a bit rusty , but I feel like I gotten better.

" I could do better then that!" I said hitting a tree.

"What do you mean ?! You almost destroyed this whole forest ! That's good enough for me!" Hawk yelled to me. Smirking I turn to him and point my sword to him.

"Then if it's good enough for you, then I'll be dead. It has to be better. Has to be perfect." Balancing on one foot I point to a few trees and strike them with my eyes closed. Opening them I see they were all cut in half.

"Let's call it a day Hawk. Come on." I quickly use my powers to put the forest back into shape and we start making our way back home. Man do my powers come in handy sometimes.


After an hour I hear a thump and some groaning coming from outside my house. Taking out Chikra I follow the sound.

"Wh-What was that?" Hawk said scared. I quite him and peer out the window to see a blonde boy covered in blood. I stand up and run outside to him. He was muscular to say the least, his eyes were an emerald color almost like a enchanted forest. But he had cuts all over him, and his outfit was now stained in red.

"I must - I must destroy t-" before he could finish he fainted. I catch him before any more damage could be down.

What was he gonna say ? Destroy what ?

"Come on Hawk lets go clean him up." I drag the blondie into my home and set the him down onto the bathroom floor. Grabbing a clean rag I dip it into clean water and start to wipe of the dried blood.

"Whoever he is, he fought pretty damn hard. I mean look at all these cuts, something must've happened." I said while I was wrapping gauze around his wound on his forehead and waist.

"I mean the wound here looks so deep ! He should be dead by now. He's lucky we found him in time." I grab his dirty clothes and quickly wash them and go to hang them outside to dry.

Once I come back I see the boy had vanished. Where'd he go ? When I analyzed him he didn't seem to have any power. Feeling a blade next to my neck , I tighten my grip on the piece of cloth I had.

"Who are you?" He said with a deep voice. I turn around to see that his cuts had all vanished and it seemed as if he hadn't gotten into a fight. A Druid maybe ? Vampire ? But he didn't seem like one.

"I saw that you fainted out in the woods so I thought I should take you in so you could heal." I respond. If he does anything I'll pin him down in 5 seconds flat. He lowered his blade down.

"Well thanks ! I'm Meliodas by the way! If it weren't for you I'd probably be dead. But how'd my wounds heal fast ?" He looked questionable to me.

" I don't know I was going to ask you that." I was analyzing him , but nothing bad popped up. He seemed good to me, so far.

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