23. Finale

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Never did I think this book will blow up with so many reads and such, espiceally with my messy writing 😂
Low key just kinda wrote this chapter with no thought in mind


"So that's how it'll be ? Such a shame I thought I would be able to pound the devil himself." Sighing at what the male angel said I turned to look at everyone.

"And it's unfortunate that Zeldris of the Ten Commandments killed the vampire clan -"

"No he sealed them away, why ? I am not completely sure. But I know for a fact I can still sense them, they're alive." I said as a matter of fact.

"To think that bastard really thought he could over throw the Demon king with just his clan. He was foolish to think he would be able to last long." One of the other generals stated.

"And that's unfortunate on how it ended. But we will win this fight- no matter the cost. Us four clans can end them." I placed both hands on top of the table. Which was covered with a large map and pieces that resembled each clan. Gazing over it my thoughts went back to Meliodas.

Meliodas, I never thought he would be on their side. All this time -

Clenching my fist, I inhale a sharp breath and maintain a determine look. "We may not like to kill people, but if it's to protect this world and the people living on it , then it is a must. I will give my last breath to defending this land." I stare across the room, looking at all the different clans ,

Giants , Humans, Fairies , and the Goddess clan

"Y/N is right, all of our combined strength and strategic movements will help give us the push we need. This all needs to end. Now." I look to my best friend and give her/him a nod.

"Remember what we talked about today, we only have one last meeting until we have won. Never give up and fight smart , we were able to take back a city now let's take back more. " I began to straighten my posture.

"What if we lose ? " everyone's eyes turn to the Fairy King. " what if we can't kill them all, or they start to over power us?"

"Simple. We lock them away. We'll seal them with all the power we got."

"That's dangerous though !" My beat friend shouted. I never told anyone of this, only for it to be the last resort.

"With our powers it's enough, and the only way to open will be from different keys. Now until next time, I wish you all farewell and a good fight." Bowing slightly I walk out the room and out to the sun.

Sighing , I look down the dirt path, only to see a small silhouette. Squinting my eyes I see a boy , seemingly running for his life.

The brown haired boy knelt in front of me, seemingly out of breath, and his hands on his knees.

"They're attacking my village !" Looking up to me his face is full of fear.

Wait he seems familiar

"Mijin?" I see looking at his torquise eyes.

"How do you know my name ?"

My eyes widen in panic

It- it's is him ! He's one of the boys from the village I live at. That means...

Elizabeth !!!!

Pushing pass Mijin I quickly make my way to Elizabeth.

Please be alright


3rd POV.

"So it is true , you are leaving the demon clan." Zeldris said looking up at his older brother, a frown etched on his face.

"Why are you leaving us ? Is it for the Goddess Y/N?!" Anger began to bubble within him.

"I'm doing this for the person I want to protect with all my heart." Meliodas stares off to the side of Zeldris head.

"So it is for that brat of a girl. You've gained a relationship with the feathered freak. You're a traitor to your clan ! " Zeldris clenched his fist while staring at his brother.

     "One day you'll understand brother, what it feels like to want to protect someone. Like how you did with Gelda. Father ordered you to kill her clan, yet you didn't, you couldn't. Instead you sealed them away knowing you'll be able to see her soon." Meliodas looked at his younger brother, hoping to change his mind about everything.

     "NO! You are no brother to me ! I don't consider you one and NEVER will. " Zeldris went to fight his brother, but he was immediately hit in the face by the wave of his older brothers hand.

      "You'll regret this Meliodas, and whose to say that Goddess will forgive for what you've done for who you are? You're a pathetic demon, a scum. " smirking to himself he wiped the blood that dripped down his chin. He loved the fact his older brother was being torn.

     "Wait till the others know that you were the one who killed Aranak and Zeno. You'll soon be right next to them, dead." The black haired male began to stand up, blinded by anger he wanted to end his older brothers life for betraying his family for some bird.

Meliodas could only muster a sympathetic look to his young brother.

One day you will understand brother

His brother dusted himself off and got ready to send a blast to Meliodas.

You may hate me now but soon you'll regret it, I can promise that.

Giving one last look to his brother he turned around.

"Like I said, I'll do whatever it takes to protect those close to my heart. And Y/n will forgive me, I'm sure of it." Hearing chuckling from behind him , he dodges his brother punch.

"Please, a demon like you and a goddess like her ? If I don't get to you first surely she will." Before he could make another move towards his brother , Meliodas flew away from his brothers rampage.

Im truly sorry brother, but she awoke the feelings hidden in me. One day you will become just like me.

The last thought to cross Meliodas was how he would face Y/n. How will it end up ? Would she even forgive him, I mean how could you trust a demon who had killed thousands , maybe millions already ?

Little did he know , someone was watching him this whole time, and they weren't from the demon clan. Perhaps, maybe. a small black fur ball.

SORRY FIR BEING SO LATE ! It's hard being a full time assistant store manger and full time student, also with a part time job 😭 college gonna make me go into debt l.

I have work in like an hour too , so made this chapter up as quickly as possible. But with break coming nearer I'll try updating more.

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