CHAPTER 1: The Past Now?

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"You didn't make a mistake, you love a person who is loving you too. I love you Naomi." He whispered in my ear and hugs me.

I never thought love can do this to me, I fell in love with my enemy, I know it's impossible, but... we are now here, in the part that we can't stop to what we feel.

Christoph kissed my forehead, cheeks going down to my lips. He kissed me gently.

"I-I love you too Christoph." Then I give him a sweet smile and I hug him back.

PROLOGUE IS DONE ^_^ Sorry if this is too short, but I will make an interesting stories for you guys :) Thank you ^_^


"This can't be happening! Christoph Scots will be our classmate!"

We are walking along the hallway of our campus when my bestfriend Mich told me the news. Oh no! I don't want to have a scary school days! That Christoph Scots is my one and only... ENEMY! Since we are in grade 1! He always make a prank on me! Putting cacroaches on my bag, putting vinegar and soy sauce on my milk and the worst prank he did is when I am in the Restroom of our school, he put so many frogs! Eeew!!! -_-

"Goodluck Naomi, goodluck!" Said Aica then she tapped my back.

"He is only a student! Why I must get scared of him?" I answered Aica. But I feel so scare right now. >_<

When we got to my classroom, my classmates are all screaming.


"Oh my Naomi, he's totally cute!" Mich said.

"Huh? In what part? In his nails?" I said loudly and chuckled that's why Christoph saw me and he is going on my direction.

"Goodluck girl." Aica said and then they left.

You can do this Naomi, you can do this!
"Naomi? I-is that you?" He asks me.

I smiled at him when he asks me.

"Nice to see you..." said Christoph then he offers his hand to have a hand shake with me. He has a deep voice, still, he's cute, tall and handso--- Wait, what?!!! What am I saying? >_<

"Hey, I am waiting." He said.

Is Christoph change his attitude? Or this is for a prank again? I stare to his eyes and he's also staring at me.

Mhm, I think there's nothing wrong if I get his offer. So, I choose to accept his offer to have a shake hands with me.


"Aaaaa---OUCH!" I shouted. >_< damn! I am right again! He offers for a prank not for good!!!!! He put an electric thingy in his palm so that when I hold his hand, you know what happened! Just... aaarrrhhhggg!!!!

"Nice to see you AGAIN, Naomi" He said and he gives an evil smile -_-"

So, yes! I will have a bad school dayS! Grr!

Meanwhile, our first teacher came.

"Goomorning class, I am your English teacher, Ma'am Ellaine." She introduced her self to us and we greeted him nicely as she also greeted us.

We have no classes, only orientation about the rules and regulations. I have no friends here :< Aica and Mich are in the other section that's why I have no helper in Math and Science subjects T_T Omy!

"Hi :)" I am busy in my drawing when someone says "Hi" to me. So, who's the person tried to disturb me? -_-"

"Can I sit beside you?" He asked. I am not looking to his face and I have no time to see who is he.

I nodded to what he asked me. But before he sit, I have words to say for him.

"Just be careful boy, the owner of that chair is good in making pranks, maybe you'll be the next to become his victim." I warned him then I heard he only give me a chuckled.

I'm tired of drawings :< I want to have a friend that I can talk with.

"Bored?" He asked me.

"Obviously" I answered. When I turn my eyes to him...

⊙.⊙ Woah. Such a handsome boy :3 haha! Oh What am I saying xD.

"Friends?" He asked again.

"Ah... Y-yes. Friends" I answered and I give him a warm smile.

"Good." He said then he gives also his sweet smile.

Omo! XD I'm sooooo lucky haha!!!

"I am a new student here, how about you?" He asked me.

"Ah n-no, I am here since I was 1st year." I answered.

"Oh I see. So, what's your name?" - Him.

"Me? Ah... Naomi Nichole Sachi" - me

"Oh, nice name :) I am Reeze, Reeze Neeyo Callbarin" he said.

Reeze? Is that the brand of chocolate? XD Just joking guys!

"Nice to meet you Reeze :)" I said.

We're just telling stories about our life, and I admire him to what family he has. We don't know if how many hours we are talking, he's funny, he's cute and he's good in telling stories.


YEY! The bell rings and that means it's our recess time! Yipii!

"Nichole, can I join you taking your recess?" Waaah! Reeze call me "Nichole" haha!

"Ahm, I have two girls in taki----" I didn't finish to what I am saying because...

"It's ok Nichole. Let's go?" Urgh, so kulit. He hold my hand tightly and run going outside our room.

When we are out of our room, Mich and Aica call my name.

"Hey! NAOMI!" I heard Aica shout.

"Is that the two girls your friends?" Reeze asked me.

I nodded. Me and Reeze go to Aica and Mich's direction, Mich is smiling so weird. -_- I know what's the meaning of that, because I have a friend that's so handsome and she thinks that we are good.  ̄︿ ̄

*guys, I will make another chapter, maybe later :D I hope you like my story "Accidentally In love with my Enemy" So please, vote and comment ^_^ Thank you!*

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