Chapter 1

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January 1st, 1900
Jemcaster, United Provinces of Sartoma

The loud irritating ringing of a telephone going off interrupted the sleeping Chancellor and his wife as they both groaned in annoyance. Having been asleep after last night and woken up well early into morning. Looking to his side, Chancellor Sperl noticed the hands on his clock indicating past four o'clock in the morning.

"Darling...what is the meaning of this?" His wife spoke up and sat up beside him as he reached over and answered the phone.

"Hello?" He said in the most mellow voice he has ever made from how tired he was, having only received about three hours of sleep and now being rudely interrupted by an unscheduled phone call.

"Sir, this is General Schwarzkopf speaking to you." The voice on the other side responded. General Schwarzkopf was the General of the Air Force, second in command beneath the Chancellor who was declared as General of the Armies, having the highest rank available in the armed forces,

"General Schwarzkopf, you better right now have a good explanation for waking me at this hour, because I didn't request for an early wake up call. Especially from you."

"My apologies sir but the situation we're in is indeed dire. We're in need of your presence within the Fortress immediately."

"The situation is dire? What is it? What's happened?"

"We're unsure, but it's best you come and all will hopefully make better sense than on the phone. Some of the stuff we've found is still hard to believe."

"Very well, I'll be on my soon as possible." Sperl let off a loud yawn before hanging up the phone and using the spin dial to make another call.

"Honey, what's going on?" His wife asked him still half asleep like him as he finished dialing and awaited a response.

"Something's come up. I didn't get much but I'm needed at the Fortress right now, so I'll be out this morning."

A while later, the phone was picked up on the other side as a feminine voice came through. "Hello you reached the Grand Mansion Administration Desk, how can I help you?"

"Clara, this is Chancellor Sperl calling. I need you to call and get my car ready and outside waiting for me posthaste."

"Of course sir. I'll call and make sure your vehicle is awaiting pickup for you. Estimate in about five minutes until vehicle is ready for you."

"Very good, thank you Clara." He hung up the phone and stood up from the bed, heading for the closet and removing his nightwear. Swapping them out for his public attire before stepping back out and making for the door to his bedroom. By the time he was leaving, his wife had passed back onto a slumbering state, falling asleep for much needed shuteye while Sperl was out heading elsewhere in the early morning.

Outside, the city of Jemcaster was quiet. Not too quite as the city itself wasn't really dead. Especially during this hour in the morning. While the sun has yet to come out, there was some activity on the streets and sidewalks with some bystanders going out for an early morning stroll, or local police patrolling as normal to apprehend any troublemakers trying to use the dark as cover for their malevolent schemes. A few cars and trucks drove down the streets transporting supplies to various shops and businesses within the city.

Just outside the Grand Mansion Gardens was the Chancellor's personal vehicle used for getting around locally. His sedan was a matte black color and was his go to for traveling around the city. His destination being the Fortress which was local within the city.

Popping open the right side passenger door, the Chancellor stepped inside before shutting the door behind him.

"Where to sir?" The driver inside asked as the Chancellor made himself comfortable.

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