Chapter 11

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February 10th, 1900
4th Armored Division

"General, reporting in sir!" An officer of the 4th Armored Division called out and approached General Kruger, catching his attention. "A few of our scouts have identified a fortified structure due northwest of our position. It's been confirmed to be occupied by enemy combatants. What should we do with it?"

"Send a detachment of tanks accompanied by a platoon of infantry to secure the structure." The generals responded. "Call up on air power to support and bomb the target if necessary."

"Yes sir!"

A unit comprised of two 50 man platoons and a column of 10 Lion heavy tanks and 2 Tiger super heavy tanks split off from the front line and advanced towards a fortified garrison being occupied by Imperial forces. The fortress, as it was, was made up of a five meter wall comprised of smooth cut stone bricks with an array of magiguns set up around the perimeter. A few watchtowers were set up within the perimeter, giving a visual on the surrounding landspace and the ability to spot any approaching forces.

However, they were unable to spot the incoming 100mm shell traveling at over 1,000 m/s. The projectile smashed one of the watchtowers and killed the occupants before they were able to hear the loud 'BOOM' outside.

"We're under attack! We're under attack! Grab your weapons and man the guns!" The commander shouted as his troops stationed in he barracks got out and ran for the armory where they fitted on their armor and grabbed their choice of weaponry.

Outside the garrison, the tanks emerged out from the foliage and rolled over the hills with lines of infantry following behind them. The two Tigers were off on the sides while the Lions maintained the spearhead, keeping 10 meters apart from each other.

"Fire on those moving fortresses!" The officer in charge of the guns shouted as the magiguns fired one after another to strike the oncoming tanks. They were unsuccessful in dealing any effective damage as the guns either missed or hit the frontal armor, leaving only a dent and warping the thick steel where it hit.

In return the Lions opened fire with their guns and targeted the magiguns set up around the garrison, taking out several of the weapon emplacements and killing the crew operating them. The Tigers, when they opened fire, unleashed absolute destruction as they were able to effectively destroy parts of the stone wall and reduce the stone bricks into dust.

"Our guns are ineffective against those things! How thick is their armor?" The Imperial forces were baffled by the unforeseen durability in these machines they were now facing, having taken several hits and continued approaching without any sign of slowing their progress. "We have to abandon! We're no match for their moving fortresses!"

"No! Hold the walls at any cost! Focus all cannons in their fortress one at a time!" The commander shouted as he prohibited the troops from leaving the walls and retreating. "There must be some way we can destroy or halt their progress!"

Above the advancing Sartomans, a pair of Falcons flew overhead and dived towards the garrison, carrying two bombs under their wings and lining up for their attack run. The Imperial troops looked up and noticed the incoming planes through the loud noises of their engines and started praying to the gods to deliver them salvation from those monsters. Unfortunately there would be no divine intervention as the planes dropped their bombs successfully and pulled out of their dive.

Four explosions blew out from within the garrison, one of which smashed and reduced a section of wall to dust leaving an exposed opening the Sartomans sought to exploit once the dust and smoke had cleared to reveal what was on the inner side.

Despite the bombing, several soldiers had survived and picked themselves back up to continue fighting to the best of their abilities. However it would be for nought as they were quickly dispatched by the deployed mechanized infantry who entered and quickly secured the garrison.

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