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December 31st, 1899
Jemcaster, United Provinces of Sartoma

A new century was on the horizon, with people gathering and awaiting before the clock struck twelve at midnight. Signifying civilization's transition into the twentieth century.

At this time, current conflicts had come to a brief ceasefire, bringing the world into a temporary peace as the bloodshed ceased.

Families and distant relatives had traveled via ship, train, or automobile to reunite and celebrate this yearly event at they tuned their radio and awaited for the time to come as the seconds ticked by, buildings into minutes as the clocks hands moved up to twelve o'clock.

"Care for another glass of champagne sir?"

"Ah yes. Another glass with do nicely to wash everything down."

"Very well sir."

The waiter pulled out and poured a bottle of vintage 1781 Rosemary Pink Champagne that had been kept in storage in the cellar since it's purchase. Receiving was Chancellor Stephan Sperl of the greatest nation on the western part of the world of Kephsie. The United Provinces of Sartoma.

Tonight marked the beginning of the new century brought about civilization, and because of such a special occasion the Chancellor had decided to host the late night dinner party for the senators and high ranking generals who helped run the nation and answered directly to him.

The senators of the six individual provinces making up the nation, as well as the Vice Chancellor, General of the Army, General of the Air Force, and Admiral of the Navy had gathered with their families joining them as they topped off their meals of roasted pork and tomatoes with cheese with champagne retrieved from storage within the underground cellar.

Taking a sip from his refilled glass, he set the glass down and stood up from his chair catching everyone's attention as they ceased their current activities and gave their leader their full attention.

"As I said before I am honored for you all to have come at this very night." He spoke out to his guests of honor. "Through hardships and times of tension, we worked together in holding our society and nation together while fending off and keeping at bay those who seek to bring about our destruction. And because of that, tonight not only brings about a new century, but a new accomplishment for how far we've come as the society into the future."

Everyone felt humbled, feeling they all had part of what their country has grown into since they took up their positions of government and command. Whether it be issuing and commanding the troops in theaters of war, or signing and approving documents for funding and establishing projects and proposals to boost the infrastructure or uphold order within the streets.

"So tonight, let us drink away to our heart's content, knowing what we accomplished has brought forth our and the next generation into the future that awaits us in these new times." Reaching down, Chancellor Sperl picked up his glass and raised it while looking at the clock on the opposite side of the room. Twenty seconds until midnight. "A toast to the future, and all we have accomplished over the past years. Sartoma will live on and overcome every obstacle that presents itself."

Everyone grabbed their own drinks and raised them up as the clock finally reached twelve. It let off a loud chime announcing the time as everyone held their glasses out in toast, then downed the contents of their glasses as the new century had finally arrived.

All across the provinces, people were celebrating in a similar manner as they stayed up all night and watched their clocks while listening on the radio as reporters were going on about the current events taking place within all major cities where people were gathering in celebration of the new year finally arriving.

All across the nation, fireworks we're going off in massive display from major cities across the provinces, while suburban areas were a light show of smaller, less powerful fireworks available on the market.

The military had also taken this chance following the yearly international peace treaty to recall most of it's navy for much needed rearmament and maintenance. Fearing no immediate attack or violation of peace from it's not so friendly neighbors bordering them across the land and sea. However the Army and Air Force remained vigilant incase such an occurrence were to happen.

Looking outside the dining room window, Chancellor Sperl and his guests were given a magnificent view of the fireworks show taking place in the Central Park of the capital city of Jemcaster. Above the buildings surrounding the Grand Mansion, colorful explosions lit up the night sky and the surrounding environment where thousands of the city residents gathered to watch while a band played music in rhythm with the explosions.

Things were looking for the best of the United Provinces of Sartoma as everyone inside the dining room were offered another fill of champagne to close off the night before retiring to their own place of residence or spending the night in a guest room before making back home when morning comes.

A new century had come, and with it came a new era into the future.

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