Chapter 9

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February 2nd, 1900
Skies above Brathorn Imperium

"Target identified. Adjust course to 0-2-7 and maintain altitude and speed."

"Roger, adjusting course."

Within the skies of the Imperium, the atmosphere was filled with a combined roar as shadows were cast upon the surface below as Sartoman bombers flew above the plains and forests.

The massive B-100 Fortress strategic bombers were impressive works of engineering and tools of mass destruction, capable of carrying over 40,000 kilograms of ordinance within their weapon bays and with a combat range of over 15,000 kilometers. The airframe fuselage was 50 meters in length, wingspan of 60 meters, and height of 13 meters. Powerplant consisted of four massive axial compressor turbofan engines installed on pylons underneath the wings. Performance wise, they could achieve a maximum speed of over 1,000 km/h with a maximum service ceiling of 15,000 meters. Only armament consisted of two remote operated twin 15mm machine gun turrets on the roof and belly of the aircraft for defense against enemy aircraft.

"Approaching target. Pilot to bombardier, ship's yours."

"Bombardier to pilot, taking control now." The controls of the lead bomber were transferred to the bombardier who was looking through the sights to determine when he should drop the bombs for maximum effect on target. The bombers came equipped with an effective targeting system that took in account for wind speed and trajectory, current velocity of the aircraft, and weight and mass of the ordinance being used. "Eyes on wheat fields, adjusting course." The bombardier steered the plane using it's rudder as it lined itself up on their target and opened the bomb bay doors.

On the surface, massive wheat fields, with rows of wheat beginning to ripen for the harvest were swaying within the breeze of the wind. The Imperium's primary food supply came from it's massive agricultural monopoly on wheat for making grain to feed it's people. Failing a harvest would mean disaster as it would result in a famine across the country. A weakness the bombers were sent to exploit.

"There you are," The bombardier said with a sinister tone before the bombs were unleashed and began falling one after another in a massive carpet bombing run. "Bombs away!"

The other bombers conducted the same attack as they flew over the fields, unleashing hundreds of bombs from their bay doors which filled the air with an eerie whistle.

"Bombardier to pilot, ship's yours now."

"Pilot to bombardier, roger. Taking us up now." As the last of the bombs fell from the bay, the doors were shut and control was switched back to the pilot, allowing the massive plane to pull back up and climb to a safer altitude.

Looking back outside the cockpit, the pilot and crew waited about less than a minute before the first bombs started hitting the fields they were assigned to attack. The farmers on the surface assigned to tend and care for the crops looked up at the sound of horrid whistling before they watched several objects fall from the sky and land in their fields. The rows of wheat suddenly burst in flames as a great ball of fire engulfed a vast portion of the harvest, starting a fire that quickly spread before more explosions set much more of the field on fire.

"Objective complete. All aircraft start heading 1-9-5 and return to base." The bombers flew in formation behind the lead plane as they steered around in a wide arc and flew back towards the airfield where they initially took of from.

Ten minutes of flight, they passed by another formation of bombers being set to wreck more havoc and destroy another wheat field to impede their enemy's ability to supply food to their people and troops.

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