Chapter 12

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February 12th, 1900
Ontwood Coasts

"Admiral, enemy coasts are now coming into radar range. Scout planes have confirmed multiple radar signatures to be designated enemy warships amongst civilian and commercial vessels."

"Continue to monitor all naval activities with our planes Captain. Standby all ships to weapons ready to engage enemy ships at sea. Ready our fighter squadrons to intercept hostile air power or attack enemy ships."

"Aye sir!"

The fleet of the Sartoman Navy was tasked with and on approach to the Imperial capital to blockade the city from the ocean, and commence a naval invasion to locate and capture the nation's leaders to bring a quick end to the ongoing war. Taking command was Admiral Stromberg aboard one of the three Hauffe class carriers of the fleet. Involved were also a pair of Jemcaster class battleships, six Venator class large cruisers, two Reave class heavy cruisers, ten Pegasus class destroyers, and ten Shark class submarines lurking below the waters. Accompanying the fleet were four amphibious assault ships carrying with them four battalions of marines ready to storm the city.

They were expecting to be facing off against a heavy presence of wyverns, so fighters were making ready to scramble and clear the skies, while AA guns were setting up to defend against any of the winged beasts that were able to close the distance against the fleet.

From the carriers, NJ-03 Sea Falcons were loaded up on bullets and bombs, with a few sporting rockets and making their way to the catapults. Within half an hour, over two hundred jets combined were launched and screaming towards the Imperial capital where they would strike against the city and warships docked at the port before fighting off enemy wyverns sent up in response.

They didn't take long to reach their target, with the skies above the city now echoing with the sounds of continuous thunder. The peasants and common folk were already distraught with the recent news that almost all major wheat fields had been decimated before the harvest, indicating an oncoming famine during times of war. However the sound above forced them to cease with their current activities and look up with confusion and concern.

Within the watch towers, the city guard had heard the noise and were searching frantically for the sources, standing by to summon all wyverns once a viable threat had been identified.

"In the clouds, facing towards the ocean above us!" One of the spotters cried out as he spotted several silhouettes using the clouds as cover. Today was very cloudy, as it usually was given the geography of the city's location. This served as a particular security concern as wyverns were capable of flying above them and using them as cover. In response, airborne patrols were always active around the city from 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. twelve hours a day. The only reason why they didn't run patrols at night was due to visibility being poor, making flying very risky. Even wild wyverns rarely flew out late at night, and preferred to sleep away in their dens at high altitudes.

Fortunately it was close to noon, so wyverns were up and ready to respond to airborne threats.

"Multiple unknown contacts above the clouds! Unable to identify!"

"Scramble all wyverns effective immediately! Identify and intercept whatever it using the clouds as cover!" From the roosting towers, wyverns took off and amassed in an entire force of over four hundred fliers, taking to the air and reaching the cloud layer where the ominous sounds of thunder continued to echo above them.

"Ascend through the clouds." The lead rider signaled to the others who relayed the message. "Make ready with fire blasts once we breach through the cloud layer."

The wyverns pushed through the clouds with their riders steering them, opening their jaws and making ready to blast fire on whatever was intruding on Imperial airspace. However what greeted them was unlike anything they ever expected. Ascending through the clouds, they were immediately greeted with a barrage of tracer like projectiles punching through them and killing off the riders and their steeds with ease.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2022 ⏰

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