Chapter 7

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January 29th, 1900
Tiphia, Maddock Kingdom

"Extra! Extra! Read all about it, new nation takes over frontier and Brathorn Colonies!"

"Get your latest here! Unknown ships, never before seen, enter ports of Arkport and Brathorn capitals!"

"Hot topic of the day, new nation emerges in the frontier lands! Where are the colonies?"

The news about the appearance of the Sartomans had spread throughout the continent like wildfire. Quickly reaching throughout every corner of the Maddock Kingdom and every clan of the Dwarven Alliance.

Newspaper stands from almost every organization were flooding and selling about the news of this new nation, with waves upon waves of the commoners, nobility, and lords acquiring a piece to sate their curiosity and learn more about this mysterious nation of commoners, with mixed reactions.

"A land ruled by commoners? This has to be some sort of weird dream!"

"Is this place actually real? What happened to the frontier? I though the Imperium was in the middle of colonizing those lands?"

"Do they really no have magic? If they lack nobles or monarchs, then who rules?"

"If they have no magic, then are they like the dwarves, but rather they're all humans?"

It had gained a stable positive reaction from the populace of commoners, but negative feedback from the nobility who saw their existence as the threat to the balance of power. If these commoners were to influence their nations, they they could lose the authority and stature from those below perhaps trying to rise above them.

Although this wasn't the view of every noble who owned wealth and power, as some found keenness and curiosity in this commoner run nation.

"No magic? Then how is their hierarchy system structured? Perhaps they use an alternative method and system."

"They must have zero reliance on magic. I wonder how their industry and community is structured given that knowledge."

"They must have huge investments in technology, much like the dwarves. Are they really capable of making a ship that size? It dwarves all the others in the harbor."

The Royal family had taken a interest in this United Provinces of Sartoma. Many of their council was in mixed opinions and were currently discussing in a meeting on what approach they should make on this new nation.

The council consisted of many nobles who were among the wealthiest land owners and most powerful in the use of magic, earning themselves seats as advisors for the royal family who ran and made final decisions during each session.

"They lack magic or any hierarchical system we're familiar with. Everything about them speaks alien to us." A nobleman stated. "I'm uncertain as to how we should approach this matter as we still know too little about them."

"I say we invade them!" A noblelady suddenly jumped ahead into the idea of waging war. "They lack even the basic concept of magic so they should be completely vulnerable against our abilities! We'll make short work of their armies should they even resist!"

"I'm not sure that's a wise course of action." Another nobleman argued. "They may lack magic, but it's believed they've compensated using technology much like the dwarves have, but on a higher level. It's believed the warship that entered the harbor of Arkport is beyond the capabilities of even our most powerful ships-of-the-line, or even a dwarven ironclad. We have no knowledge of what else will show up if we declare war on them."

"Further more we'll be the source of a lot of unnecessary world tension," Another nobleman added. "We'll be seen highly as warmongers and will distrust the balance of peace the world is currently in. Also the Kingdom of Arkport is in very good relations with them right now, even the whole royal family and several other nobles are on vacation in this land run by commoners. Perhaps they'll express more about them once they return. It's also been confirmed that the Dwarven Alliance are sending envoys to make contact with those who rely on tech in setting up stable relations with them as well."

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