Chapter 5

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January 5th, 1900
Arkport, Kingdom of Arkport

The Kingdom of Arkport was credited as the smallest nation within the world of Seach, being neighbored by the more powerful Barthorn Imperium and Maddock Kingdom.

While being the weakest amongst their neighbors they were always prone to being faced with threats of invasion by the Brathorn Imperium or Maddock Kingdom when tensions rose. Fortunately for now tensions were at a low, and the three civilizations were in neutral relations right now.

While having the least amount of land compared to it's neighbors, the kingdom focused it's economy related to fishing and whale and shark hunting, with markets filled with various fish, shark meat, and whale related items. Having their focus on the sea, the kingdom shifted much of it's budget into shipbuilding. Having the largest fishing fleet of seven hundred ships, and a strong navy of fifty ships-of-the-line, sixty frigates, and three hundred brigantines and smaller vessels.

While seemingly large for a navy, it was small when compared to the Brathorn Navy with three hundred ships-of-the-line, over a thousand frigates and six hundred smaller vessels, or the Maddock Kingdom with two hundred ships-of-the-line, nine hundred frigates and seven hundred smaller vessels.

Their army and air force received the least amount of budget with only two hundred thousand soldiers to count on, and only one hundred ordinary wyverns to count on when defending the homeland. Meanwhile the Brathorn Imperium and the Maddock kingdom both had two million soldiers to count on with thousands of wyvern bronzes and fewer silvers.

Most of their land was used in the lumber industry, and was heavy on forests for chopping down and processing wood for the construction of ships with little farmland available. This put their main diet on fish while importing more than half of the grain and vegetables the people also fed on from other nations. They also imported magisteel and mana crystals as they had little access to such elements within their own territory.

However an opportunity presented itself when it came to the expansion into the frontier. The Kingdom wanted to establish a colony of it's own much like how the Imperium was establishing it's own colonies. After some bargaining and negotiating with the Imperium, they were granted permission to establish their colony along the eastern coast of the frontier.

At present, Princess Rose of the Fletcher royal family was sent out to sea to reach the colony and check up on it's growth process, and to make a public appearance to boost the moral and determination of the people. Rose was the most popular royal amongst the people as she, unlike most, would believe in value in even the most common of commoners. Having her appear at the colony was a sound idea for —,

"Your majesties! Your majesties!" A guard burst into the throne room before the current rulers of the kingdom. Queen Nora Fletcher and King Patrick Fletcher sat up from their thrones as the guard kneeled before the base of the steps to their thrones. "Forgive any interruption, but something has come from the sea and is approaching the city harbor!"

"Something is coming?" King Patrick questioned. "Is it some sort of leviathan from the depths, or is it a ship?"

"It's...we believe it to be a ship. But it's unlike any ship we've ever seen before." The guard answered. "I don't even know how to describe it other than some sort of hulking mass floating above the waves."

"Then let us see with our own eyes," Queen Nora responded as she stood up. "I wanna know what exactly has caused disturbance within our waters."

Both the royals and the guard ventured out of the throne roll and made their way outside into the garden where a balcony would provide them a perfect view of the surrounding city and harbor. The royal palace was elevated above the city, constructed on a hill where the base and foundation was set up above even the roofs of most buildings. Looking down they had a clear visual on the harbor, as well as the hulking mass they were informed of.

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