Chapter 4

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January 1st, 1900
Jemcaster, United Provinces of Sartoma

A large twin engined aircraft approached the runway of Jemcaster Airfield with it's landing gear extended, coming in for a landing. Carrying aboard it was a member of royalty who looked out at the city that surrounded the airfield.

The CP-17 was a twin engined military cargo plane, later adapted for the Air Force's Paratroop Corps and commercial use for transport and passenger aircraft. With a wingspan of thirty meters, a length of twenty meters, and a height of five meters, the plane was powered by two fourteen cylinder radial engines mounted on it's dihedral tapered leading edge wings. Providing twelve hundred horsepower each, with a maximum speed of over three hundred kilometers per hour, and a service ceiling of over eight thousand meters. It's maximum capacity ranged from fourteen to twenty eight depending on the variant.

The current variant now landing had more emphasis on luxury over functionality, given how it was marked as property of the government and was used by political members for jumping across the country.

Leaning against the windows to catch a better view outside, Princess Rose watched and felt as the flying machine landed and let off a few bumps while touching down on the concrete and asphalt runway. Around them were taxi lanes and hangers for storing aircraft, while several aircraft were seen parked outside as the rapid response force consisting of J-03 Falcons.

"I'll admit, I've never seen such infrastructure development in my entire life." Keaton said as he looked out the window in his seat behind the princess. "How long would it take to build so much?"

"Not long enough for the colonies to have developed it all on their own." Rose admitted. "This cannot be the frontier, it's just impossible at this point. Where did all of this come from?"

"I'm unsure your highness. But with the absence of the Imperium, the large metal warships, and everything else we've seen, these are definitely not the colonies. They all seem like the most foreign thing I've ever witnessed."

The plane pulled off the runway and into one of the taxi lanes making for one of the nearby hangers, where a black car and two government officials were waiting to retrieve and transport them.

Airbase personnel among the tarmac began waving colored markers to guide the plane towards it's intended stop, coming up upon the government officials before finally cutting off it's engines, the propellers continued to briefly spin before coming to a complete stop. A stairway was pushed towards the plane's front door and was secured in place, providing a safe route for it's occupants to climb down from.

"Excuse me ma'am," Rose called to the flight attendant who approached the door and was preparing to open it. "Where are we right now?"

"You're in Jemcaster. Capital of Sartoma. The people outside will take you before our leader who is eager to speak with you." She opened the door and allowed Rose and her bodyguard to step outside and leave the aircraft. Climbing down the stairs, they came face to face with two agents in grey uniforms under black jackets and flat caps waiting for them.

One of the two men stepped forward to great them as he extended his hand out. "Greetings. Princess Rose if what I've been informed of is correct."

"Yes sir, I'm Princess Rose of the Kingfom of Arkport. With me is Sir Keaton, my personal bodyguard. You are..."

"You may call me Mr. Black," The agent responded with his alias as he shook the princess's hand. "With me is my companion, you may call him Mr. White." The other agent leaned into view and introduced himself with the tip of his hat. "If you would follow us we hope to make this quick. Our situation could use some of your insight to better solve what is going on in the present moment."

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