Chapter 10

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February 5th, 1900
Brathorn Imperium, Ontwood

"M'lord, the latest updates from the war effort against the rebel forces in the frontier."

Emperor Güner was currently in the process of finishing a meal with several nobles families comprised of cousins and distant relatives of the royal family, and his son, Prince Kerem, who has returned to the palace after venturing to the colonized islands north of the continent. The feast was hosted upon his return after being away for over four years.

"Good news I expect to hear. Announce it then before us and explain the on going status of the war effort." The emperor demanded with confidence as he was expecting positive results from his armies marching into the frontier.

The retainer who was delivering the report was not very confident, having looked at it earlier himself and being foretold of it's contents via the officers who wrote it. Either way, he opened the parchment and began reading the words written from it out loud.

"My lord, it brings us great pain and disappointment to declare these words, but our forces of 200,000 men sent to cross the Great Salt River into the frontier have been defeated by organized rebel forces."

"Survivor accounts state the enemy was using repeating muskets and self moving steel fortresses to hammer our army and force them to seek cover across the river. All wyverns that attempted to aid our ground troops were shot out of the sky by midair explosions and enemy steel birds that cut through them quickly. The rebels then launched a counter attack with their moving fortresses in the lead and crushed what remained of the army, sending remnants into full retreat."

"Retreat!?" The emperor exclaimed with disbelief. "This is preposterous! Our army is one of best equipped and has the gift of wielding magical weapons! Don't tell me these rebels with their magicless cannons and leaders were able to sway our forces!"

"I'm afraid it's as I read it." The retainer spoke with a neutral tone. "And now they're marching across the river and are divided into two major armies. One is already pushing straight for the capital while another is occupying our territory to the east."

"Father! If these rebels are encroaching on our lands then send me with my colonial army!" The prince stood up and demanded to the emperor. "My soldiers are some of the best trained and equipped, and show complete loyalty to me."

"My son, I cannot risk your life, especially right after you've just returned home." Emperor Güner protested. "If the traditional army can not successfully repel and eliminate an army of these rebels, then I fear you are at great risk to stand against them."

"With all due respect father, the traditional army is filled with nothing but egotistic nobles, some of which have little or no experience with war, and poorly trained men who could barely pick up a halberd or even win a fight against a rabbit." While his claims were a bit over exaggerated, it did get his point through. The traditional army was ineffective in it's current state. "Me and my men however have alternative methods for fighting and are well experienced in combat after facing off and stomping out several resistance movements within our colonies. Send me and we will crush these rebels."

The emperor sighed in defeat, knowing that arguing with his son would not change his mind. "I promised your mother before she passed away that I would ensure your safety. These rebels are not like any we've faced in our other colonies. But if you are surely confident in your forces' capabilities then I have little means to stop you. Do what you believe is right, and ensure the safety and longevity of the Imperium."

"Worry not father, for the only reports you shall receive from my forces will be of glorious successes in driving back these invaders and uprooting them from where they came from."

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