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Námo spent the next few hours alone, eventually falling asleep for a nap in the middle of the day. The herbs had done wonders for him, easing most of his pain. When he awoke, he found lunch on the side on the table. Apparently Lóthperian (he assumed) hadn't woken him when she entered. Even for an elf, that was a rare ability.

The Vala sat up slowly with some difficulty and ate the lunch he'd been given. Today's food was roasted chicken with plain green beans and apple cider. It still did not taste like elvish food, at least from what he knew. Námo was starting to think the little halfling must have been born among men or at least knew well of mannish recipes.

It tasted wonderful however, dare say more than elvish food or lembas.

Once finished, Námo stayed upright for the first time in some days. His shoulder still felt alright and his head was throbbing less. The sun was still out, bright and clear. He figured it must be at least two in the afternoon by the sun's position.

The worst part of being injured was that he couldn't move to do anything or for now he was severely limited. Boredom crept into his mind, studying his pale skinny long hands. Hands were the best part of taking on a physical body, Námo had decided. He did miss having fresh robes though, maybe he could ask Elrond for some soon...

As the Vala stared up at the ceiling when the door opened, and Lóthperian entered, her free hand eating some sort of cheese sandwich. She didn't notice that he was wide awake until halfway across the room, making her jump back a little.

"I'm sorry, I should have knocked." She began in a nervous tone. "I didn't mean to disturb you, I thought you were still sleeping."

Námo gave the nervous girl a smile, finding her innocence endearing. "It's alright. I was awake for quite some time and was growing bored." His tone calm. Lóthperian smiled shyly, finishing what she had been munching on. She walked over to him, taking the tray and giving him an awkward smile.

"I know it's rude for me to ask, but if you could, would you stay with me for a bit?" The Vala asked, his expression kind.

"Well," Lóthperian began, pausing. "Of course, I don't have anything to do today and my adar asked me to watch over you." Her cheeks were blushing as she spoke, putting back down the empty tray.

"I'm afraid I'm not much of an entertainer, but I could read to you. My ada has many books in his library." Lóthperian asked him.

Námo knew just about everything a book could tell him, but he'd take it to spend some time with another person. "That sounds nice. Thank you." He said.

"What book would you like me to get?" Lóthperian asked, doubting he'd like anything she enjoyed reading.

"Anything you decide will be great." He answered. She nodded, taking the empty tray with her and left the room, leaving a crack of the door open. Lóthperian quickly went to the kitchen to return the tray and went up to her adar's library.

Searching through the large books Lóthperian knew well, she came across the book titled Of Myths and Legends. A book of lore mainly about the first age and the first dark lord. Elrond had read it to her when she was little many times, though more in an age appropriate way and since then it had been her favorite of all the books her adar had.

When Lóthperian returned shortly after to find Námo waiting quietly. He gave her a slight smile at her entrance, wondering what book she had chosen. In her small short yet elegant hands she held a large leather bound book.

"What did you choose?"

"It's one of my personal favorites, Of Myths and Legends. I know it well, I hope it doesn't bore you even more. I can get something else if you want." Lóthperian said, looking into the Vala's gray-blue eyes. He was even more handsome, now that he was feeling better.

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