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Lóthperian felt Námo's hand intertwined with her own. His hands were soft, slender and much bigger than her own. She was laying in a hammock with him, her head on his shoulder as the tree overhead shaded them in.

Lóthperian felt so safe like this, simply enjoying the calming presence of the Vala of doom. It was a late summer afternoon and soon the sun would be setting, letting the cool rest of night cover them. Many days of this unusual summer the little Peredhel had spent like this, enjoying her time with Námo in the gardens and under shade.

"The sunset is especially beautiful tonight. Don't you think so?" Námo asked her, his long arm stretching around her shoulders.

"It is. Tell me, what's the sunset like in Valinor?" Lóthperian asked him, looking over into his gray blue eyes.

"Well, it's like this I'd say. But you can see farther out, I think you'd love it." The Vala replied, his nose touching Lóthperian's tiny one. He smiled at her plump rosy hobbit face, she was beautiful. His hands touched her face and traced her curves, growing closer to her. She smiled and put her arms around his waist and rolled over on top of him.

"I love you." He said, kissing her forehead, making her giggle as she reciprocated the chaste kiss. She had such sweet plump red lips.

For the past week the Vala of death and doom had been planning on asking the little Peredhel for her hand in marriage. He didn't know if she'd made her choice yet, but she loved him and he likewise. And he had been given Elrond's blessing along with Manwë's to find a wife. Whatever Lóthperian would say, the Vala knew she was the one he'd been destined to be with.

"I need to ask you something, if that's alright." He said softly after a bit, Lóthperian laying by his side, her eyes lighting up at his words.

"Yes?" She answered, her hands in his. He got out of the hammock along with her and began to walk with her, trying to find the right words to confess his desire to wed her.

Eventually he stopped and sat down on a little bench.

"Although I have only known you now for little over two months and two weeks, I have fallen for you, my lovely Lóthperian. I know you have not confessed your choice between the children of Eru, but I cannot hold back any longer. Lóthperian, daughter of Elrond, will you do me the greatest honor and marry me?" He asked her, his eyes wide and down on one knee in front of her.

Lóthperian went red in her plump cheeks. She didn't know what to say but her hands were shaking and her stomach turned with nausea. Her eyes watered but she tried to hold them back but failed, the question being too much for her.

The Vala was worried but before he could reach out to comfort her, she jolted up and though he tried to catch her by the wrist, but she ran away, her sobs audible until the Vala could hear no more.

Námo's heart shattered? Did he scare her off? Was she choosing the gift of men over him? What did he do to make her run away? Whatever he did, he wanted to run to her and apologize, but he did not know where she went and that at the moment she must be going through something.

He sat down, his head low. Though he'd never show it as long as he lived, he wanted to cry at the loss of her. He only had one week left now and then he'd leave forever, with or without the lovely Lóthperian.


As Námo was mourning the loss of his love in the gardens, Lóthperian was sobbing on the bench deep on the other side of the garden, high up in a tower, her hands over her face, red and flustered. She didn't know what to do and she'd ruined a perfect moment between the Vala and her.

What had she done to make her do something so stupid? Of course he'd ask her to marry him. Summer would be ending in a few weeks and 2 months and 2 weeks had gone by since she'd met him. It made since he'd asked her, soon he'd have to leave for Valinor.

I walked with you once upon a dream (Mandos x OC/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now